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From Pam Gregory Astrologer:

#astrology Today at 10.54am PST and 6.54pm UK time we have a New Moon at 5°38' Leo. Don't forget to set a new intention for what you would like to manifest in your life, conditioned by the house area where this falls in your chart.

Today Jupiter moves stationary retrograde at 8°43' Aries, so is trine to this New Moon, expanding all the possibilities around the heart, love and shining your unique light to the world. Jupiter always wants to expand beyond the current circumstances, find new and better horizons and more inspiring visions to live by. I you have any planets or angles around 8° Aries, Leo or Sagittarius this may well be a time of success, recognition or personal growth for you.

Aries and Leo are the two signs that immediately come to mind when I think of sovereignty. They are strong, standing in their own power and helping others to do the same. There is a pioneering energy to this New Moon, not only as it is a new beginning but Jupiter in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, magnified as it is stationary, is encouraging us to seek new episodes of personal development. Where is this falling for you, what sense do you have of new episodes with all of this high frequency light pouring in to upgrade our consciousness? Chariklo that enables shifts in consciousness is also directly aspecting this New Moon.

Develop a sense at this New Moon in Leo of constantly in your day to day life living from the heart and greeting everyone with that loving energy. What a different world we can create. You will notice how dynamics of all of your relationships change if you do this, especially the challenging ones.

The answer is always love.
From Pat Donworth:


Two years ago today, on July 28, 2020, I had an “Event-type” dream/experience that seems as relevant today, as ever.

Here’s the DREAM:

July 28, 2020


I dreamed of/experienced three events that took place in rapid succession:

(1) I look up into an inky black night sky and I see shining lights that look to be in the form of very, very thick lightning — like rivers of gold light — that resemble a long, winding dragon with many tongues of fire flowing out from her. It’s huge and fills the whole night sky.

(2) This gigantic dragon light then morphs into another light event which I saw clearly at the time but now I have no specific recall except of a soft all-pervasive gold-white light that poofs into manifestation everywhere, all at once. Quietly, without a sound.

(3) This is immediately followed by the most dramatic part of the dream/vision/experience: I see an object (again, gigantic) of what looks to be the shape of a spinning top or the diamond shape in the graphic below. And, yes, it could be the lower half of a spinning merkaba. Its color is various aspects of reds and whites. It is spinning clockwise in place, on its axis, at a TREMENDOUS speed but it was the SOUND it was making that captured my complete attention. The spinning was creating a “WHIRRING” sound, of deafening volume, THAT FILLED EVERYTHING.

When the spinning reached a certain rate, the shape “exploded” but not like a typical explosion into pieces. The spinning rose to a crescendo, then dissolved and disappeared with a burst of light and shockwave in all directions. BUT IT WAS THE DEAFENING EXPLOSION SOUND at this moment of TRANSITION that catapulted me AWAKE and out of bed as I thought something in the house had exploded. I went from deep sleep/vision to on my feet, examining each room in the house for the origin of the explosive sound.

All was quiet, still, in usual mode, un-kerfuffled. Serene.

I, of course, then realized that the explosive sound had taken place in a lighter density, etheric dream/vision experience. And the recall came rushing in.

The dream-experience unfolded in maybe 10 seconds, each aspect rapidly flowing into the next.

TAKEAWAY: Is this a premonition of things to come? Is this a memory of a cosmic event? Is this an etheric experience of an event that happened, is happening, or is soon to happen? Or?

I don’t know.

But my feeling is that something happened or is about to happen that CHANGES OUR REALITY — explodes it — into a higher reality, disappearing the 3D as we know it and catapulting us into SOMETHING NEW.

This felt more real than the realest real of realness to real itself into real-ality.


© Pat Donworth 2020, 2021, 2022
Forwarded from World Council for Health
Monkeypox Outbreak Does Not Constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

On July 22, 2022, World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus overruled the majority vote of the WHO expert committee and declared the monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).

In June, the committee recommended against declaring a PHEIC but met again this week at the request of the Director-General. At the end of the 7-hour meeting, nine committee members remained against declaring a PHEIC while six were reportedly in favor.

The overruling of the WHO’s own review panel by the Director-General goes against the WHO’s own decision-making policy and is totally unacceptable, highlighting that the WHO definition of a PHEIC is arbitrary as is its decision-making process.

Currently, it is not clear whether this skin disorder is indeed a monkeypox infection. Lesions shown in the media resemble shingles, herpes simplex virus, and other skin lesions. It is also not clear whether it is occurring in association with the Covid-19 genetic injections, as skin lesions are common with the latter. Independent scientists need access to the full data set on which Tedros and the WHO are basing their declaration of a monkeypox health emergency.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus is an unelected official of an unelected organisation—he does not represent nations nor does he represent people.

Additionally, the World Council for Health notes the serious conflicts of interest within the WHO in relation to its Covid-19 pandemic strategies and advises people to take responsibility for their health and to take no further injections proposed by the WHO at this time.

Full statement:

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Forwarded from Schumann Resonance Report (Simona)
You begin to look in the mirror and see the light you are made of.

You take a step back to see better and notice something burning inside you: passions, creativity, fears, needs, frustrations, wills,...

And you think: 'better to dissect a big problem into smaller problems in order to solve them more easily' and everything melts away easily, like snow when the Sun returns.
Forwarded from Andrew Smith
Please note that AIB only apologised because so many people started withdrawing their monies from their accounts and therefore threatened the business of the bank, a bank that YOU bailed out back during the first attempt to bring down the global economic system in 2008/9 as Pluto entered Capricorn.

Also note that AIB apology referred to the fact that they moved "too far to fast". Again - TOO FAR, TOO FAST, revealing a deeper intention - to get rid of cash. I hope you can see what is really going on, and I hope you get hope from the fact that it is NOT working. Too many are starting to get it and whoever is behind this heist, their arrogance is fast becoming their downfall.

As Ceres has been opposing the position of the redistribution of power degree of the 12th of January, the truth is now out there and the focus, ironically, is back on food. Do not believe the hype that there is not enough food. Scarcity is political. The Earth is truly bountiful. There are stories from clients and others, all over the world, of flora returning to wild lands that have not been seen in decades. There are grassroot movements happening across the US, Canada and Ireland, that are setting up co-op communities to trade and support each other away from the corporate supermarkets. You can find them if you just ask around.

Yes, you need to prepare for another barrage of fear regarding health and pharma in the coming weeks, but don't worry too deeply about it. It won't come to pass...
Paxlovid, the “treatment” that’s recommended by the CDC has contraindications with way too many other medications to mention. It’s important to know this because they’re not telling you.

“The problems with Paxlovid are no secret. FDA granted Pfizer emergency use authorization for the drug after a single trial with questionable results. The medicine has many contraindications, meaning it can’t be taken by someone who simultaneously would be taking certain anti-depressants, anti-seizure, anti-psychotic, cholesterol, or blood pressure medications. Furthermore, many Americans cannot take Paxlovid, given that nearly half of adults have cardiovascular disease. “
Forwarded from The HighWireOfficial
Media is too big

They Lied! Are You Surprised?; Paxlovid Problems; Farmers Lead The Fight Against Agenda 2030; Injunction Stops U.S. Air Force; Are You A Radical?

Guests: Pierre Kory, MD, Aaron Siri, Esq, Maajid Nawaz

If you’re looking for something to watch on this bank holiday weekend then this episode of The Highwire is well worth the time spent. Particularly the interview with Maajid Nawaz which is about 1 hour 45 mins in, and the interview with Pierre Kory about Paxlovid which is the first item.
Media is too big
They have weaponised everything that is sacred to us - our children, our health, our environment, our food. We are at war, and we must keep our eyes open.

Please watch and share this clip, it’s from Episode 278 of The Highwire.