Afandi English
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100,000 paynet for #100 Afandi Spotting tonight! How do you want to split the money?
Final Results
100k for 1 winner
50k for 2 winners
25k for 4 winners
10k for 10 winners
#100 H Y P E R A F A N D I: Afandi in Khiva

Spot Afandi and his donkey and win a whopping 100,000 Paynet-soums instead of only 5,000!

Can you find Afandi and his donkey on one of these pictures?

Spot Afandi, mark him in the picture and send it to @jochenho. The time limit is 30 minutes. Not sure what Afandi looks like? Check the pinned message above!

#87 Afandi Quiz: What’s the word?

Oh please no!

👉@afandi_english👈 #word_quiz
Afandi English
You should ... your baby here.
Fooled you!

💡 The graffiti says “No babies”, so people should NOT throw their babies inside. Except “retain” – which means “keep” – all the words were synonyms of throw away or leave behind.
#125 Our favourite mistakes: Writing

▶️ Look at this sentence:
People today face many problems, such as stress, loneliness, conflicts with others and etc.

What’s wrong here?

❗️ There is no combination and etc. because etc. means et cetera and et already means and in Latin.

❗️ You have two options – either just etc. or and so on. Choose one only.

👉@afandi_english👈 #mistakes #writing
#43 YouTube Channel Recommendation: Simone Giertz

📊 English Level: Upper

🔤 Subtitles: Automatic

💬 Topics: Do-it-yourself, inventions, home improvements

💡 Content: Simone comes from 🇸🇪Sweden and lives in 🇺🇸America, and she’s not your typical girl. She rolls up her sleeves (=prepares to do physical work), heads into her workshop and makes new stuff from scratch (=from zero) while sharing her thoughts in the process. Watch her make furniture or handicraft, fiddling (=touching and moving sth) with cars or inventing something totally new.


👉@afandi_english👈 #youtube
100.7 KB
#21 Know Your World: Special marriage practices

▶️ It’s interesting how in other cultures something we think of as crazy can be totally normal. Marriage practices can be especially shocking. Let’s look at three phenomena and their geographic distribution:

1. Polygamy: This is when a one person has more than one spouse (=married partner, husband or wife). When a man can have several wives we speak of polygyny; when a woman can have several husbands it’s polyandry.

2. Cosanguinity: This is the word for “cousin marriage”. In some countries it’s common to marry one’s first cousin.

3. Child marriage: This is when a person (usually girl) marries before reaching adulthood.

👉@afandi_english👈 #know_your_world #map
#88 Afandi Quiz: Mysterious song

Today’s quiz is about a mysterious song from a mysterious country! Maybe you think it’s from India but it’s not!

👉@afandi_english👈 #quiz #song_quiz
Afandi English
This song is from ...
What a draw!

💡 The style of this song is Bhangra from the region of Punjab which is divided between India and Pakistan. Since India wasn’t an option it should have been Pakistan.