Australian Vaccination-risks Network
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Advocates for vaccine safety and informed choice since 1994.
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Forwarded from DrSuzanneH
It's always been this way. In the new companion book to Dissolving illusions, Roman and I show you hundreds of doctors comments while battling the same mindset for 200 years.
Forwarded from AustraliaExitsTheW.H.O.
Jody Lowe from Aussie Fightback Club explains National Action week and how you can get involved to help show strength in numbers (7 min)
🚨 New Study Links Pfizer RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women to Preterm Birth

“It looks like our latest efforts to overcome these problems have not helped + are leading to preterm births which have lifelong knock-on effects along with more serious RSV infections in children where these should be harmless. Sixty years ago we recognized the problems + stopped. But now we seem determined to press ahead regardless. The intense push to get these vaccines means we will all have affected family members — this is not an abstract concern.” — Dr. David Healy

This time next week, thousands of Australians will have gathered in front of their federal MP’s office to ask them to REJECT the WHO?💥
Will you be joining them?

We’re asking people to join our NERA coordinators at 11am local time on Friday 10 May in front of their federal MP’s office. BYO signs/corflutes.

A reminder to also bring your best manners. Our MP’s won’t engage with us if we aren’t respectful💛

See below a video put together by #australiaexitsthewho
Share with your friends this weekend…and maybe have that conversation you’ve been putting off? 🌟
Forwarded from AustraliaExitsTheW.H.O.
Jody Lowe from Aussie Fightback Club explains National Action week and how you can get involved to help show strength in numbers (7 min)
Forwarded from Dr. Tom Cowan Channel
Thank you to Vaccine Choice Canada + Canada Health Alliance for having me on for a conversation recently.

You can find the replay here on various platforms:


Wishing you a great weekend,
Let’s flood our social media accounts with this tile! Make it your profile pic for our ACTION WEEK starting tomorrow 💥

Check this page for ACTION WEEK for details
US Senators Drop a Bombshell on the World Health Organization

The tide is turning.

In a shocking turn of events, all Republican senators (49), led by Senator Ron Johnson, have formally urged President Joe Biden to withdraw his support in expanding the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic authority.

The letter, sent ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly scheduled from May 27 to June 1, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, argues that the WHO’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis underscores the need for major reforms rather than granting it more power.

The senators warn that such an expansion could threaten U.S. sovereignty and constitutional rights, emphasizing that any international agreement enhancing WHO’s authority should be treated as a treaty, requiring a two-thirds supermajority vote in the Senate for approval.


See the letter below.

Every single one of us needs to consider this information.

Not much time left to urge your Governments to follow suit.

If everyone sends a two line email, makes a phone call, visits their electoral office….use our MySayMatters campaign on our ACTION WEEK page on the website HERE

We can alter the trajectory 🙏🏻

Click HERE to read the letter sent by the US Senators 💥
🌟And we’re off and running with ACTION WEEK🌟
Today is National Hoist Your Aussie Flag Day 💛

Raise the flag you’re proud to stand under. If it’s blue, if it’s red, if it’s red, black and yellow. Today is a day to unite, not divide. We are all Australians, and today is a day to stand proud of our identity and remind everyone that we love Australia, that we can govern ourselves, that we REJECT the WHO.
Action Week: Day 2 💪 Let's do this!

#CashOutDay 💸 Withdraw your cash! Drain the ATMs and use cash for all your purchases today! Try to shop local and small, but if you do go big, give them your cash and stop swiping your card or iPhone. It's time to KEEP CASH ALIVE with Cash Out Day 2.0. Send us a DM or tag us in your stories and posts. Let's unite across the country and stand together!

Find more ACTION WEEK initiatives here 👉🏼