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imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: 'KATTA' SO'ZLAR YECHIM EMAS 🙅‍♀️📝

Agar siz imtihon oluvchini yaxshi so'z boyligingiz bilan hayratda qoldirmoqchi bo'lsangiz, yakka tartibdagi so'zlar haqida aslo qayg'urmang. Buning o'rniga, turli xil so'zlarni birgalikda qiziqarliroq yo'sinda ishlata olish qobiliyatingizni namoyish etishga harakat qiling.

Quyida oddiy bir misolni keltirib o'taman:

- incredible
- beautiful
- images

Mana shu so'zlarni alohida olib qaraydigan bo'lsak, qandaydir bir o'zgacha taassurot hosil bo'lmaydi. Ammo, quyida qay tarzda men bularni jamlab, bitta gapda ishlatganimga ahamiyat bering:

The TV trailers were really eye-catching because they showed incredibly beautiful images of nature.

"Incredibly beautiful images" iborasi yaxlit olinganida, ichidagi yakka so'zlardan ko'ra yaxshiroq jaranglaydi.

Eslab qoling: faqatgina so'zlarni mohirlik bilan birga ishlatishni boshlaganingizdagina, til jonlanadi.

Manba: IELTS Simon


- if someone travels light or packs light, they don't take a lot of luggage with them on a trip (oz yuk bilan safarga chiqish)

• We have to walk fair way from station to our hotel, so try to pack light.

• Do you need some help collecting your luggage, or are you travelling light?

💎 (TO) HIT THE ROAD- to leave a place or begin a journey (yo'lga chiqmoq)

• We are going to hit the road at 8am.

💎 (TO) CATCH THE SUN - become tanned or sunburned (quyoshda toblanmoq)

• We spent the whole day at the beach so we all caught the sun.

💎 ON A SHOESTRING // ON THE CHEAP - if you do something on a shoestring or on the cheap, you do it with a very small amount of money (juda kam pulga nimadir qilmoq)

• Staying in hostels is a good option if you are travelling on a shoestring budget.

• We plan to spend a month in Bali on the cheap and then, live it up in Singapore for a few days before we fly home.

Source: mmmEnglish 👱‍♀️

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Кимдандир зўр бўлишга интилма! Кечагидан зўр бўлишга интил!
Ҳар кун ўз муваффаққиятларингни янада яхшилашга куч топ... Ўз устингда тинимсиз ишла!

Билки сенинг рақобатчинг- сенинг ўзинг!

ADVANCED ENGLISH PHRASES to sound more natural in English 💯🔥

24/7 - constantly going on (doimiy ravishda)

I am working 24/7, because I have to finish this project.

TO DRAW THE LINE - to stop, to never do something because you think it is wrong (to'xtatmoq, biron narsani yomon ekanligini bilib, uni qilmaslik)

I am going to draw the line about working more than forty hours a week.

EASIER SAID THAN DONE - not as easy as it appears to be ( o'zbek tilida "aytishga oson" iborasiga to'g'ri keladi)

Needless to say, this is easier said than done!

EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING - finding good in every bad situation (yomon vaziyatda ham yaxshilikni topa olish)

Though he had failed his exam, he realized that every cloud has a silver lining, as now he could focus his attention on things he loved doing.

TO GO THE EXTRA MILE - to make an extra effort ( qo'shimcha harakat qilish)

When it comes to weaker students, the teacher goes the extra mile to help them understand.

PLAIN AS DAY - obvious, clear (aniq, ravshan)

I don't want to sound mean but with your low grades it's plain as day that you won't get into Harvard University.


1️⃣ Is it ok to use the words "I", "my" and "we" in writing task 2?

Yes, it's perfectly ok to use those words. You might be told to avoid them in university assignments, but the advice for IELTS is different. If the question asks for your opinion, you will probably need to write "I agree", "I believe" or "in my opinion".

2️⃣ Can we invent facts or figures in writing task 2?

I don't recommend inventing statistics or news stories. I always think that doing this makes writing seem 'false'. Just explain your own ideas and opinions, and give reasons and examples.

3️⃣ Can we use "you" to talk about people in general?

In the speaking test, it's fine to say something like "when you go on holiday, you have the chance to relax". But in a written essay, I would prefer to change this e.g. "when people go on holiday...".

4️⃣ Will I lose marks if I don't give both views in writing task 2?

It depends on the question. If the question asks you to discuss both views, you must do this. However, if the question asks whether you agree or disagree, you definitely don't need to mention both sides of the argument.


1️⃣ Writing task 2 da "I", "my" va "we" so'zlarini ishlatsa bo'ladimi?

Ha, albatta! Universitet uchun yoziladigan insholarda iloji boricha bu so'zlardan foydalanmaslik haqida eshitgandirsiz, lekin IELTS va multi level da bunday emas. Agar savol sizni fikringizni so'rasa, albatta "I agree", "I believe" yoki "in my opinion" iboralaridan foydalanishingizga to'g'ri keladi.

2️⃣ Writing task 2 da yolg'on fakt va statistikalardan foydalansam bo'ladimi?

Bunday qilishni maslahat bermagan bo'lardim. Chunki, fikrimcha, bu narsa inshoingizni "yasama" bo'lib qolishiga olib keladi. Shunchaki sabab va misollar keltirgan holda o'z shaxsiy fikr va g'oyalaringizni izohlab bering - olam guliston!

3️⃣ Umumiy tarzda odamlar haqida gapirish uchun "you" so'zidan foydalansa bo'ladimi?

Speaking imtihonida "when you go on holiday, you have the chance to relax" ga o'xshash gap aytsa bo'lar... Biroq, yozma imtihonda, buni "when people go on holiday..." ga o'zgartirish ma'qulroq bo'ladi.

4️⃣ Writing task 2 da ikkala tomon fikrlari haqida yozmasam, balim past chiqadimi?

Bu narsa tushadigan savolga bog'liq. Agar savol sizdan har ikki tomonni muhokama qilishingizni so'rasa, siz buni qilishingiz shart. Lekin, agarda savol siz biron bir fikrga qo'shilish yoki qo'shilmasligingizni so'rayotgan bo'lsa, tabiiyki, siz argumentni har ikki tomonini izohlashingiz kerak emas.

Stop Saying "I THINK!" Use these alternatives to SOUND LIKE A NATIVE 🔥💯

⭕️ When you are sure about something say:

I'm sure

I'm absolutely sure

No doubt

I'm certain

I'm positive

I bet (informal)

⭕️ When you're not certain about something, say:

I guess

I'm not quite sure

I suppose

As far as I know

If I'm not mistaken

Correct me if I'm wrong

I have a feeling

To the best of my knowledge

To the best of my belief

⭕️ If you want to express your opinion about something, use these phrases:

In my opinion

It seems to me

To tell the truth

To be honest

To my mind

If you ask me

Speaking Advice: TELL STORIES 🌠💭🗣

Once, I mentioned that you could prepare some examples or stories to make your descriptions more interesting (for speaking part 2, and maybe part 3).

When speaking in our own languages, we tell stories all the time. For example, you might tell a member of your family about what happened at work today, or you might tell your friends about a film you saw last night.

The ability to tell a story in English is a sign that you are becoming a proficient user of the language. Test yourself: try telling a story in English now. Start with something easy, like "what I did yesterday".

imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: HIKOYALAR SO'ZLANG 🌠💭🗣

Speaking part 2 (va balki, part 3 uchun ham) javoblaringizni yorqinroq va qiziqarliroq qilish maqsadida misollar va hikoyalarni oldindan tayyorlab borish to'g'risida o'z maslahatlarimni berib o'tgandim.

Agar ahamiyat bersangiz, o'z ona tilimizda gapirganimizda, biz har mahal hikoyalar so'zlaymiz. Misol uchun, o'z oila azoimizga bugun ishda nima sodir bo'lganini aytib berishimiz mumkin; yoki bo'lmasa, kecha tomosha qilgan kinoimiz haqida do'stlarimizga so'zlab berarmiz.

Ingliz tilida ham hikoya so'zlay olish qobiliyati - siz shu tildagi ko'nikmalaringizni mukammal qilayotganingizdan darak. O'zingizni hoziroq sinang: ingliz tilida biron bir hikoya so'zlashga harakat qilib ko'ring. Avvaliga "kecha nimalar qildim" singari oson mavzulardan boshlang.

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Кимдандир зўр бўлишга интилма! Кечагидан зўр бўлишга интил!
Ҳар кун ўз муваффаққиятларингни янада яхшилашга куч топ... Ўз устингда тинимсиз ишла!

Билки сенинг рақобатчинг- сенинг ўзинг!

Advice: 'DEEP' ANSWERS 🌟

Unfortunately, many candidates give shallow answers in their IELTS speaking and writing tests. They mention a few different ideas, but fail to develop any of them in detail. They would get higher scores if they just took one idea and developed it in detail; this is what I call a deep answer.

Practise explaining just one idea in as much detail as you can. The ability to do this could really benefit your speaking and writing scores.

Imtihon bo'yicha maslahatlar: 'CHUQUR' JAVOBLAR 🌟

Afsuski, imtihon speaking va writing qismlarida nomzodlar sayoz yoki yuzaki javoblar bilan kifoyalanib qolishadi. Ular bir nechta fikrlarni keltiradilaru, lekin hech birini mufassal qilib bayon qilib berishmaydi. Agar ular shunchaki bitta fikrni olib, o'shani tafsilotlari bilan izohlab berishganida edi, natijalari ham yaxshiroq chiqar edi; aynan shuni men 'chuqur javob' deb atayman.

Shunchaki bitta g'oyani qo'lingizdan kelganicha misollar bilan kengroq yoyib berishni mashq qiling. Shu narsani qila olishingiz speaking va writing ballaringizgni yuqoriroq bo'lishiga katta yordam berishi mumkin.
