Chat Wars Reports
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23 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the warriors of ❄️Glacies have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Trixity β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Majima Goro πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Corwin
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 676 gold and 1112 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 149 gold and 193 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 2 gold and 8 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +322 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +17 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +5 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
24 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Majima Goro πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]haha πŸ”₯🎷[INF]DariaMilka
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 726 gold and 1165 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from πŸ”₯Ignis & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 2 gold and 8 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +132 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +68 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +11 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
25 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ Defenders of πŸ”₯Ignis were bored - no one has attacked them.

πŸ›‘ At ❄️Glacies the defenders had a slight edge over the armies from πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Sung Jinwoo
πŸ†Attackers have lost 94 gold.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]davebeautiful β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Aiyub
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Trixity β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]RedBeard β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—BLT4JC2
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Gleps πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 173 gold and 226 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]zinniz
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1 gold and 4 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +189 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +7 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +0 πŸ† points
26 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ Defenders of πŸ”₯Ignis were bored - no one has attacked them.

πŸ›‘ At ❄️Glacies defenders have easily fought off a small group of 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]pjorgegerman πŸ”₯🎷[INF]arkt
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Sung Jinwoo
πŸ†Attackers have lost 22 gold.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]zinniz β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]GrumpyGecko
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Gleps πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 136 gold and 157 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]RedBeard
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1 gold and 1 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +165 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +12 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
27 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the warriors of ❄️Glacies have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]davebeautiful β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Trixity
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Atomic πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]guin
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 498 gold and 1089 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Anakeyofsun
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 10 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +220 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +94 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +12 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
28 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—Xentaron πŸ”₯🎷[INF]haha πŸ”₯🎷[INF]arkt
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 484 gold and 1129 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from πŸ”₯Ignis & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 16 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +132 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +60 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +13 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
29 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]haha πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—Xentaron πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]Cyrax
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 416 gold and 974 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from πŸ”₯Ignis & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 6 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +132 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +70 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +11 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
30 Ōstar 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ At πŸ”₯Ignis defenders have easily fought off a small group of ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]davebeautiful
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Atomic πŸ”₯🎷[INF]HikatoWolf πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]guin
πŸ†Attackers have lost 132 gold.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—BLT4JC2 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]RedBeard β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]mweepigeon
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Gleps
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 279 gold and 204 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus,❄️Glacies &πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 13 gold and 13 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +124 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +32 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +14 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
01 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]zinniz
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Corwin πŸ”₯🎷[INF]haha πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]Cyrax
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 575 gold and 1164 stock.

βš”οΈ At ❄️Glacies the warriors of πŸ”₯Ignis have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸŽ—nudes_maybe πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 2390 gold and 1195 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Anakeyofsun πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Olempy
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 16 gold and 8 stock.

🌩Ventus Castle +72 πŸ† points
❄️Glacies Castle +52 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +50 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ“―Congratulations to the most dedicated players of the week:

πŸ’°The Greatest Thief (Most gold earned in battles):
πŸ“•Enraged high roller +5: 4
πŸ—‘Forays Stopped: 200
πŸ…Peacekeeping Class Leader: 194

πŸ—‘The Most Attentive Guardian (Most villages protected):

🎲Johnny Quick Hands (Most wins in dice):

🀺The Champion of the Arena (Best fighter at the Arena)

πŸ’«Rising Star (Fastest arena leaderboard growth)
πŸ…Enraged Class Leader: 121
πŸ…Peacekeeping Class Leader: 82

πŸ‘ΎMonster Hunter(Most successful hunter)

πŸ’§Mana Spender(Most meaningful mana spender)
πŸ’°Gold in Battles: 13982
πŸ…Enraged Class Leader: 358
πŸ…Peacekeeping Class Leader: 150

πŸ‘ΎDamage Dealer
β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]The Uniquest
πŸ’°Gold in Battles: 79212

πŸ‘ΎDie Hard
β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]The Uniquest
πŸ’°Gold in Battles: 79212

πŸ‘ΎControl Freak

#trophy Week #103
πŸ“―Congratulations to guilds of the week:

πŸ’°Most gold earned in battles:

πŸ—‘Most villages protected:

🎲Most wins in dice:

πŸ‘ΎMost successful hunters

πŸ’§Most meaningful mana spenders

#trophy Week #103
02 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ Defenders of πŸ”₯Ignis were bored - no one has attacked them.

πŸ›‘ At ❄️Glacies defenders have easily fought off a small group of .
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]HikatoWolf πŸ”₯Ph0enix_02
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Sung Jinwoo
πŸ†Attackers have lost 12 gold.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]RedBeard β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—davebeautiful
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Gleps πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 216 gold and 124 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies,🌩Ventus &πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 12 gold and 6 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +154 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +12 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +8 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
03 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the warriors of ❄️Glacies have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Atomic πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]πŸŽ—guin
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1020 gold and 1038 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from πŸ”₯Ignis & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Olempy
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 8 gold and 0 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +220 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +89 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +14 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
04 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ At πŸ”₯Ignis the defenders had a slight edge over the armies from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—davebeautiful
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]Cyrax πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]Lucifer πŸ”₯🎷[INF]DariaMilka πŸ”₯🎷[INF]arkt
πŸ†Attackers have lost 74 gold.

βš”οΈ At ❄️Glacies the warriors of πŸ”₯Ignis have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Wipeout
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Sung Jinwoo
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1563 gold and 1174 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]LordTrolldemort β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]zinniz
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Gleps πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 200 gold and 231 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Trixity
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 9 gold and 7 stock.

πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +250 πŸ† points
❄️Glacies Castle +61 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +14 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
05 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Lady in red πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Xentaron
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 923 gold and 1049 stock.

πŸ›‘ At ❄️Glacies the defenders had a slight edge over the armies from πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Atomic πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Corwin πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]pjorgegerman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]EIVOR SNOWSON
πŸ†Attackers have lost 126 gold.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from πŸͺ¨Solo & 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman πŸͺ¨[69]πŸŽ—hihi
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]nudes_maybe πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Olempy πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 6 gold and 2 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +132 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +90 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +4 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +2 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
06 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the warriors of ❄️Glacies have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Majima Goro πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]πŸŽ—guin
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 828 gold and 1305 stock.

πŸ›‘ At ❄️Glacies defenders have easily fought off a small group of .
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]pjorgegerman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Sung Jinwoo
πŸ†Attackers have lost 16 gold.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Olempy 🌩Demiurg πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Wipeout πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 7 gold and 10 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +220 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +61 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +25 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
07 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ Defenders of πŸ”₯Ignis were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At ❄️Glacies the warriors of πŸ”₯Ignis have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Majima Goro πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Aiyub β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Sung Jinwoo
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1367 gold and 1190 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]zinniz β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Buzzaroo
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Gleps πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Tate πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 220 gold and 185 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—davebeautiful
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 5 gold and 2 stock.

πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +250 πŸ† points
❄️Glacies Castle +64 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +13 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
08 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ At πŸ”₯Ignis the warriors of ❄️Glacies have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Majima Goro πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🐁[PEN]Cyrax πŸ”₯jumpersu
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 925 gold and 1070 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of ❄️Glacies were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 3 gold and 5 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +220 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +64 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +24 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
09 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
βš”οΈ Battle at πŸ”₯Ignis was a bloody massacre, but the forces of ❄️Glacies were slightly stronger.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Majima Goro πŸ”₯🎷[INF]pipis πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Atomic πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 836 gold and 1122 stock.

πŸ›‘ At ❄️Glacies defenders have easily fought off a small group of .
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯Dimaasssikk πŸ”₯🎷[INF]arkt
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Johan_Stick β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]mweepigeon
πŸ†Attackers have lost 39 gold.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Anakeyofsun πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Olempy 🌩Demiurg
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1 gold and 0 stock.

πŸ›‘ Defenders of 🌩Ventus were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & πŸ”₯Ignis.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]πŸ‘‘Necron Lord πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman πŸ”₯🎷[INF]nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 2 gold and 8 stock.

❄️Glacies Castle +308 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +71 πŸ† points
πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +32 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
10 Winni 1078
Battle reports:
πŸ›‘ Defenders of πŸ”₯Ignis were bored - no one has attacked them.

βš”οΈ At ❄️Glacies the warriors of πŸ”₯Ignis have successfully managed to break into the castle.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸ”₯🎷[INF]ected Mushroom πŸ”₯🎷[INF]VKostiuchenko πŸ”₯🎷[INF]Kr0shkaen0t1 πŸ”₯🎷[INF]nudes_maybe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]hasserodian β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—The Uniquest β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]πŸ‘‘Arbegla β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Crimson
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1415 gold and 1069 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸ’§Aqua the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸ‘‘BrutalSuperman
πŸŽ–Defense leaders:
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 0 gold and 0 stock.

βš”οΈ At 🌩Ventus the defenders were wiped out by a horde from ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]sug210 β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]RedBeard β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]Trixity β„οΈπŸŒ€[BRR]πŸŽ—hehe
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]πŸŽ—Anthropodaimones πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Thunder
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 186 gold and 230 stock.

βš”οΈ At πŸͺ¨Solo the defenders were wiped out by a horde from 🌩Ventus & ❄️Glacies.
πŸŽ–Attack leaders: πŸŒ©πŸ•[OGW]Ra18Ra β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]G3NTA1 β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]zinniz β„οΈπŸ§[ICE]Eren Jaeger
πŸŽ–Defense leaders: πŸͺ¨ZelimkhaNGeshaeV
πŸ†Attackers have pillaged the castle for 1 gold and 8 stock.

πŸ”₯Ignis Castle +250 πŸ† points
❄️Glacies Castle +58 πŸ† points
🌩Ventus Castle +16 πŸ† points
πŸͺ¨Solo Castle +0 πŸ† points
πŸ’§Aqua Castle +0 πŸ† points