Ecce Verbum
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A Thomistic Litany of Humility

O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, teach me.
From all pride and its effects,

{deliver me, Jesus.}

From coveting greatness for its own sake or to excess,
From contempt of You and Your law,
From a puffed-up self-image,
From claiming to be a self-made man,
From ingratitude for Your gifts,
From thinking that I have earned Your gifts by my effort alone,
From boasting of having what I do not have,
From excusing my faults while judging others,
From wishing to be the sole possessor of the skills I have,
From setting myself before others,
From all vainglory, deliver me, Jesus.
From craving praise for its own sake, etc.
From looking for flattery,
From withholding glory from You,
From showing off to the harm of my neighbor,
From presumption and false self-confidence,
From boastfulness,
From hypocrisy,
From the excessive need to be fashionable,
From obstinacy and contention,
From disobedience,
From all false humility, deliver me, Jesus.
From forfeiting my dignity as a child of God, etc.
From burying the talents that You gave me,
From an unreasonable fear of failure,
From avoiding my true vocation,
From despair at my weakness,

In the ways of humility,

{teach me, Jesus.}

To know my limits and my strengths,
To acknowledge the depravity of my past sins,
To acclaim You as the author of all the good I do,
To put my confidence in You,
To be subject to You and Your Church,
To be subject to others for Your sake,
To revere Your presence in others,
To rejoice in Your gifts in others, even the gifts unseen,
To do great things by Your help and for Your glory, strengthen me, Jesus.
To seek greatness in heavenly things and lasting virtue, etc.
To do my best even when unnoticed,
To put my share of Your gifts at Your service,
To be neither puffed up by honor nor downcast by shame,
To do penance for my sins and those of others,
Above all, to strive to love You with all my being,
And to love my neighbor as myself,
In Your name, I pray.

Litany of the Resurrection
Approved by the Most Rev. John Hughes,1853

Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven,
have mercy on us

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Jesus, Redeemer of mankind,
Jesus, Who hast cleansed us by Thy blood,
Jesus, Conqueror of sin and death,
Jesus, the Holy One and the Just,
Jesus, the First-Born from the dead,
Jesus, the Second Adam,
Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life,
Jesus, the Author of our salvation,
Jesus, the God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob,
Jesus, Who by death didst destroy him who had the empire of death,
Jesus, Who didst bring life and immortality to light,
Jesus, Who didst lay down Thy life for Thy sheep,
Jesus, Who hadst power to lay it down, and hadst power to take it up again,
Jesus, Who, after three days, didst rise again from the dead,
Jesus, Who didst rise very early in the morning on the first day of the week,
Jesus, Who didst hasten to visit Thy blessed Mother in her solitude,
Jesus, Who didst appear to Mary Magdalen while it was yet dark,
Jesus, Who didst send Thy angels to announce to the women, that thou wast risen as thou hadst said,
Jesus, Who didst suffer Thyself to be seen of the women, and to be adored by them,
Jesus, Who didst appear to Peter, the chief of the Apostles,
Jesus, who didst appear, in another shape, to the two disciples going to Emmaus,
Jesus, Who didst make Thyself known unto them in the breaking of bread,
Jesus, Who didst appear to the eleven, saying, Peace be unto you,
Jesus, Who didst breathe upon them, and give unto them the Holy Ghost,
Jesus, Who didst confirm the faith of Thomas, by showing unto him Thy hands and Thy feet,
Jesus, Who didst commission Peter to feed Thy lambs and Thy sheep,
Jesus, Who didst converse with Thy disciples, upon the mountain of Galilee,
Jesus, Who was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once,
Jesus, Who wast seen by James,
Jesus, Who didst to in and out among Thy apostles, speaking to them of the kingdom of God, and eating with them,
Jesus, Who didst lead them out as far as Bethany, and, while they looked on, wast carried up to heaven,
Jesus, Who shalt come again with great power and glory, to judge the living and the dead,

Jesus, Son of God,
We sinners,
Beseech Thee, hear us.

That we may put off the old man with his acts,
That we may put on the new man, who is created in justice and holiness of truth,
That we may walk in newness of life,
That we may grow in grace, and in the knowledge of thee,
That we may persevere unto the end,
That, having risen with Thee, we may die no more,
That we may attain unto the resurrection of the just,
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to feed us continually with the bread of life,
That Thou wouldst reform the body of our lowliness, and make it like unto the body of Thy glory,
That we may behold Thy face with joy,
That we may be placed on Thy right hand in the Judgment,
That we may hear those words of joy: Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess ye the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,
That Thou wouldst give us part in Thy heavenly glory,
That Thou wouldst give rest and peace to the faithful departed,
That with them we may obtain everlasting life,
That we may be with Thee always, forever, and ever,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

V. Christ is risen. Alleluia.
R. He is risen indeed, and hath appeared unto Simon. Alleluia.

Let us pray
O God, Who, by Thine only-begotten Son, hast (this day) opened the passage to eternity, through His victory over death; vouchsafe, we beseech Thee, so to confirm us by Thy grace, that we may walk in all our ways like those who have been redeemed from sin. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Ecce Verbum
Litany of Fortitude Lord, have mercy Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. …
Jesus, grant me the grace of magnificence,
that I may be generous with my time, talent, and treasure to bring about Your kingdom on earth.

Jesus, grant me the grace of perseverance,
that I may endure hardships and overcome obstacles until I achieve Your will.

Jesus, grant me the grace of patience,
that I may be willing to suffer whatever You permit at the hands of others with peace and kindness to all.

Jesus, grant me the grace of longanimity,
to wait in vigilant anticipation for the fulfillment of the good You are doing in my life.

Jesus, grant me the grace of mortification,
that I may sacrifice all trials and troubles and frequently offer to You what I choose to do without.

Jesus, grant me the grace of true freedom,
that You will release me from the bondage of sin, spiritual sicknesses, and woundedness in Your Most Sacred Heart and by the power of Your Most Precious Blood.

Jesus, grant me the grace of interior peace,
that nothing may disturb me or become too difficult to endure for my sanctification or the salvation of souls.

Jesus, grant me the grace of authentic joy,
to experience the gift of the present moment, to be fully alive, and to spread Christian happiness to all whom I encounter.

Jesus, grant me fortitude,
that all forms of fear and anxiety may be overcome by the cultivation of both the infused gift of Your Holy Spirit and the acquired virtue that leads me through Your refining fire with encouragement and fidelity.

Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, You created me in Your perfect image; please restore me, mold me, and use me for Your glory and the good of others. Jesus, You who are the utmost example of meekness, strength, and courage, bestow on me the necessary struggles that prune and purify my soul to make me more like unto Yourself. Pour down into my heart Your Holy Spirit, the Giver of all good gifts and graces, the One who breathes life into me when all has been broken or lost.

Most Blessed Trinity, I adore You. I worship You. I thank You.

#litany #fortitude
Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

"We overcome Satan when we testify personally to what the Word of God says that the blood of Jesus does for us." (Rev. 12:11)

#litany #july
7.9 MB
Litany of the Saints and Martyrs of the British Isles.
