LET'S SPEAK English Club
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LET'S SPEAK English Club helps guys who are hungry for English practice to improve their speaking skills by exchanging experiences and interactive activities.
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​​Thank you for joining the previous meeting!

Following our wonderful session on mental health we created a list of useful vocabulary to learn, and here it is ⭐️
Also attaching the video that we watched so you can listen to it once more and use a couple of decent advice from it.

Feel free to discuss the vocabulary in the chat and share more advice on the mental health topic👐🏼

📔Interview in English. Tips and tricks

A common practice in the tech sphere is to check the English level of a future employee. Some companies expect you to speak it during the whole interview, and others ask you to have small talk. How to stay calm and confident in such cases? 🧐

Our recruiters shared advice for beginners ⤵️

Study possible questions and typical answers

In any job interview, you will be asked mostly the same questions. For example: where did you study, do you have any experience, and what are your strengths. Think about how you can respond beforehand.

Learn field-oriented vocabulary

Study the professional vocabulary and check the pronunciation of terminology to show your dedication and readiness to discuss the theme in detail.

Pull yourself together

Missed the question? Ask your interviewer to repeat. Don't know the correct answer? Don't be silent. Tell at least something related to the topic.

Use simple words and sentences

Try not to learn grammar constructions above your English level on purpose before the meeting, because you will probably forget them. If you feel insecure, you'd better use simple phrases to be easily understood.

Hold an improvised interview

Ask your friend or a family member to interview you and record it. This is a helpful hack to improve your pronunciation and correct mistakes.

Save this post to be perfectly prepared for upcoming interviews ☄️

💸 Does money run the world? Let's discuss it together on August 3 at 18:00 during our next event devoted to finances.


🔹 Warm-up
🔹 Guessing idioms
🔹 Storytelling

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a MS Teams link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️
​​Dear community members, thank you for joining the previous meeting!

We had a really productive conversation, thank you for that🤩
And in this article we highlighted phrases and words we used and of course also the idioms that we studied.

Feel free to discuss the vocabulary in the chat and share your own tips on the financial topic👐🏼
​​What's up buddies!
Here is the second edition of Native VS You 😎

We created this rubric so that you can use some real slang in your communication in English.
You are able to find all the Native VS You editions by this hashtag - #LETsSpeak_NativeVSyou.

Play it by ear 🌏

If you see the announcement of our upcoming event, will you join? If we were you, we would definitely do it!

This week, Let's Speak English Club will have a new Grammar Day devoted to Conditionals 😉


🔹 Exploring rules
🔹 Practicing on the exercises

If you're ready to participate in all activities, please click REGISTER on our community page and join us on August 24 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a MS Teams link to the first 30 people several hours before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

🎓 Happy Knowledge Day!

We wish that your learning spirit will reveal your creative powers, inspire for new activities and enrich your personal and professional life!

To congratulate us on this day, you may pass our new Grammar quiz* devoted to 0,1,2 conditionals that we explored last week.

*Thanks Dmitry (our community enthusiast) for creating it 💜

🧑🏻‍💻 Useful phrases for business correspondence in English

Do you know that business emails are an essential and sometimes challenging part of a tech specialist job? While communicating, you should be accurate with grammar & spelling, be precise and polite.

We've gathered some common phrases for you to manage such emails successfully ↙️

📩 Replying: I just got your request for; as we discussed; thanks for your feedback on; thanks for your quick reply; thanks for getting back to me so quickly; thank you for reaching out.

📩 Apologizing: sorry for my late reply; sorry it took me so long to get back to you; I apologize for the late response; sorry it’s been so long since my last email.

📩 Attaching: please find (the file) attached; I'm enclosing (the file); please see the information below for more details about; I’ve attached (the file) for your review.

📩 Clarifying: I didn't quite get your point about (something); could you repeat what you said about; could you give us some more details on; could you please clarify; here are the details on; could you explain what you mean by.

📩 Approving: please let me know if this is ok with you; what are your thoughts (on something); please let me know what you think; we just need the green light.

📩 Giving bad news: unfortunately, we are unable to; I'm afraid it will not be possible to; I'm afraid that we can't; we regret to inform you that; due to (the reason), it won't be possible to; despite my best efforts.

📩 Offering help: I hope you find this helpful; let me know if you need any help; for further details; if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me; please let me know.

Save the post to succeed in business correspondence 💪🏻

Here we are again with a new event in the series devoted to well-being. This week's topic is about what we all cherish but sometimes feel a lack of – Sleep 😴


🔹 Watching the video
🔹 Playing the "board" game

Our meetup will take place on September 14 at 18:00 (GMT+3).

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a MS Teams link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

😴 Useful vocabulary to discuss sleep

It will come in handy at our today's event, so please check it in advance.

🔹 Asleep – спящий
🔹 Awake – бодрствующий
🔹 Bedtime – время ложиться спать
🔹 Disturb – беспокоить
🔹 Exhausted – измученный
🔹 To fall asleep – уснуть
🔹 To get up – просыпаться, вставать
🔹 To go to bed – идти спать
🔹 To hibernate – впадать в спячку
🔹 Insomnia – бессонница
🔹 Morning person – «жаворонок»
🔹 Night owl – «сова»
🔹 Nightmare – ночной кошмар
🔹 To oversleep – проспать
🔹 Sleep-deprived – лишенный сна
🔹 Sleeping habits – привычки сна
🔹 To sleepwalk – ходить во сне
🔹 To snore – храпеть
🔹 To take a nap – вздремнуть
🔹 To yawn – зевать
​​Thank you for joining another event in the series devoted to well-being!
The topic was about what we all cherish but sometimes feel a lack of – sleep 😴

Please study the article with the useful vocabulary hope it will come in handy.

📚 Five phrasal verbs for a tech specialist

... which will help you at your future work 🔥

In any sphere, there are some words that you constantly come across and need to identify their meanings. So here are some helpful phrasal verbs for a forward-thinking techie ⤵️

📌 To hook up – to connect electronic equipment. E.g., Could you please help me to hook up the Internet cable?

📌 To wipe out – to delete or erase something completely. E.g., Before you give the computer back to your colleague, you need to wipe out irrelevant and private information.

📌 To key in – to type/put information into a computer. E.g., You need to key in a sophisticated password for this website.

📌 To boot up – to begin loading a program or a system. E.g., I think I have some issues with my computer, as it took ages to boot up.

📌 To set up – to install a new program or application. E.g., You need to set up a corporate program to start working with the system.

Should we continue posting useful phrases & words? Leave any reaction if yes 😉

🥳 This week, at our anniversary 40th event, we invite you to join us and have a play. The game is called The Spy. It's a bit similar to Mafia but has its peculiarities.

Our experienced community members might remember that we have already played it and had much fun 😉


🔹 Exploring rules (it's better to have a look at them before the event)
🔹 Playing the game

Eager to enhance your English skills in an unusual format? Join us on September 29 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a MS Teams link to the first 30 people on the event's day. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

🎤 Four podcasts for fluent English

Today is an International Podcast Day! We've gathered four handy podcasts for you to listen to and improve your English:

🎧 The English We Speak: from Pre-Intermediate до Upper Intermediate level

A podcast from BBC linguists for those interested in modern spoken English and eager to develop a clean academic pronunciation. The duration of each episode is 3-4 minutes.

🎧 Luke's English Podcast: from Intermediate to Upper Intermediate level

Luke Thompson is an English teacher and professional stand-up comedian, so that the podcast won't be boring. Also, he has a series dedicated to phrasal verbs.

🎧 Slow American English: from Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate

Slow American English is a podcast recorded in a slow manner to help listeners better catch the topic. Podcasts are devoted to the diverse aspects of American life: education, sports, history, and public organizations in the US.

🎧 Culips: from Pre-Intermediate to Upper Intermediate level

All 500+ episodes are divided into several categories: conversations at an average speed, slow dialogues, podcasts with idioms and slang, etc. The emphasis here is on spoken English and dialogues.

Choose the podcast you liked most and upgrade your English in an interactive way 💪🏻

🚀 As promised at the last event, we are launching a new series of informal meetups devoted to Small Talks!

🗣 Who makes Small Talks?

People who don't know each other & accidentally met in the same place.

🗣 Why do people make them?

To break uncomfortable silence, to get to know someone, to fill the time.

We organize – you talk!

Let's meet on MS Teams on October 5 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

The first meetup will be driven by our community enthusiast Dmitry -> one hour, random breakout rooms, various topics, no registration & limitation!

How to participate? ➡️ Save this link and join us on the event's day.

Feel free to ask questions in our cozy chat.

🤓 Job interviews can be very scary experiences, even for people who have gone through the process many times. We know that the majority of our dear participants face interviews regularly – ones with a recruiter, technical specialists or with a customer.

Want to ace the upcoming interview or eager to share your personal tips with others? Join our next event of LET'S SPEAK English Club ⭐️


🔹 Exploring vocabulary
🔹 Self-presentation
🔹 Sharing interview experiences

Our meetup will take place on October 13 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a MS Teams link to the first 30 people on the event's day. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

The second meetup of LET'S SPEAK Small Talks is coming up 🕣

Why should you come?

🔥 One hour of intensive English practice
🔥 Informal friendly atmosphere
🔥 Freedom to discuss any topics
🔥 Mistakes allowed
🔥 No registration

One rule – speak English 👌

Let's meet on MS Teams on October 19 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

How to participate? ➡️ Save this link and join us on the event's day.

Feel free to ask questions in our cozy chat.

😉 Are you free on Thursday evening? Want to meet for a talk after work?

Don’t miss your chance to practice your English-speaking skills at LET'S SPEAK Small Talks 🤫

Join us on MS Teams on October 27 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

How to participate? ➡️ Save this link and join us on the event's day.

Feel free to ask questions in our cozy chat.

🔥 Great news for those who miss our more "traditional" events

This week, we invite you to join us and discuss culture and cultural shock 🌎


🔹 Defining culture and its components
🔹 Exploring thematic vocabulary
🔹 Watching the video about cultural shock

Our meetup will take place on November 3 at 18:30 (GMT+3).

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a MS Teams link to the first 30 people on the event's day. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️