EvocaBank CJSC

🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
Deadline: 2024-06-03
🗂 #Accounting_Insurance_Bank #Full_Time

📢 Evocabank is looking for an Accountant to join its team. The ideal candidate is a person with eagerness to find out-of-box solutions and use innovations; strong interpersonal and communication skills, ability to work in a team; and high sense of responsibility.
Join Evocabank team and get:
– Medical insurance
– Favorable terms of Evocabank products, insurance discounts
– Holiday and year-end bonuses
– Bonuses on occasion of birthdays, marriage or birth of a child
– Day-offs
– Comfortable lunch and break zone
– Stylish and free dress code
– An environment equipped with innovative software and state-of-the-art hardware
– Special courses, great options for personal and career growth
– Participation in international conferences and business trips abroad

👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100074746