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Ahlan Marhaban to you. here i write pieces of my thoughts, quotes i like, and reminders for my own soul. it's an open book of my mind & heart. enjoy !

- Nadhir Al-Attas
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Even if u took 1 billion steps away from Allah it takes just 1 to come back.
When you make intentions from the heart & purify them for the sake of Allah swt, he always opens doors and makes a way, & it’s amazing to watch how sometimes even the most impossible of things happen for you that you never imagined because Allah swt truly is capable of all things
Allah knows what you're feeling and He knows your intention and He knows what's in your heart. Feed your self positive thoughts. Wallahi if you knew how Allah took care of your affairs you would not worry. It's only a matter of time before things get better. Patience is bitter, it's really bitter actually. But the sweetness of its fruits will prevail and you will forget any bitterness that you've ever tasted.
Sabr isn't easy, sabr is tears, sabr is feeling alone, sabr is swallowing insults, sabr is smiles covering tears, sabr is crying for the response of Allah.
"Behold, I am near." {2:186}
Jangan pernah menolak orang yang datang kepadamu, bantu semampummu. Siapa tau itu menjadi sebab (jalan) Allah menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang kau hadapi atau hajat yang kau inginkan.

Al Habib Taufiq bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf
Jumaah Mubarakah everyone, don’t forget your selawats! 🤲🏻🤍
Jemputlah rezekimu dgn cara terbaik yg mampu kamu lakukan.
Jika harus dimulai dari bawah, maka lakukanlah. Jika harus jatuh lebih dulu, maka ikhlaskanlah. Jika berat, maka sabarlah. Tak peduli kamu harus merangkak ataupun berlari. Sebab cepat atau lambat, itu hanya soal waktu. Tuhanlah yg menilai proses, jadi jangan terlalu ambil pusing dgn penilaian manusia yg selalu terpaku melihat hasil.
One of the most beautiful things I saw today is a reminder that Allah doesn’t judge you based on your sin rather He judges you based on your repentance, whether or not you turned back to Him after committing that sin.
How merciful is Allah🥹❤️
Ketika kamu mengeluh karena rezekimu kurang atau rezekimu tidak sebagus seperti orang lain, berprasangkalah yang baik kepada Allah.

Boleh jadi rezekimu itu Allah kasih berupa sehat wal afiat, atau mungkin Allah tutupi setiap kesalahanmu dari pandangan manusia.

Boleh jari juga diselamatkannya dirimu dari berbagai keburukan, atau dengan adanya keluarga yang senantiasa ada untuk menguatkanmu.

Maka dari itu, janganlah membatasi rezeki hanya pada materi. Karena rezeki dari Allah itu sangat banyak dan sangat luas. Bersyukurlah.
Whats urs will meet u at its given time, what’s urs will find u when it’s meant to,& what’s urs will connect with u when its written. Let life work in its own way, & live yours focusing on what builds u. The people, the connections the love, they all find it’s way to u on its own
Have Sabr, the best things happen unexpectedly.
If you feel that Allah has denied you the world and has increased your difficulties and hardships, then know that you have become important to Him, and that you have with Him a special standing, and that He is taking you down the path of His Friends and His Elect Ones and that He is Gazing at you.

Have you not heard His Words, "So, be patient for verily you are in Our Sight."

Imām al-Ghazālī (may Allāh sanctify his secret and be pleased with him)