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Ahlan Marhaban to you. here i write pieces of my thoughts, quotes i like, and reminders for my own soul. it's an open book of my mind & heart. enjoy !

- Nadhir Al-Attas
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The more you know, the more you know. So just spend time on focusing knowing more things. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop, that means an empty mind is open for mischief. And doing bad things. When you occupy your time in developing your mind, your spirit and your soul. And that is what reflects. When you see people talking, it’s a reflection of what’s inside. The question is how do you change your heart?how do you change your mind ? Well is the source of information that you listen to. The truth that you believe. What you spend your time and energy and attention focused on learning and leveling up and discovering. So focus on developing yourself.
Forget attention, just grow in private.
All you have to do is get a little better every day. You don’t have to be perfect. The mastery comes from repetition.

I have found that the highest pain comes when comparing myself to others. Nothing good comes from it.

When I stick to my own lane and focus on leveling up my own game I always seem to progress at an exponential rate and find contentment in simply beating myself.

Focus on your craft. It’s the best way.
Forwarded from Ali Imran Abdul Aziz
Ahlan Wasahlan Rabi’ al-Anwar!

Bulan kelahiran, kewafatan dan bulan hijrah Nabi Muhammad saw yang sangat kita kasihi dan rindui.

Tidak sempurna bulan Rabi’ al-Awwal ini tanpa kita membaca dan mengimbas kembali helaian-helaiana Syamail al-Muhammadiyyah.

Sebuah buku agung yang menceritakan segala-galanya tentang Baginda Rasulullah.

Kita akan telusuri setiap malam sepanjang Bulan Rabi’ al-Awwal ini secara atas talian. Terbuka kepada umum, percuma dan penuh keterujaan!

Jemput tekan link di Bio untuk kebersamaan.

Save your dates 📌
Your lover’s opinions will die with them, your haters opinions will die with them too. At the end is just you and you. So having that feeling to impress people is a total waste of time. Live your unique life with your unique storyline with the best of qualities you are as a person.
Nak kaya, silakan.
Nak miskin, silakan.
Hiduplah secara sederhana.
Ya, Rasulullah dan sahabat semuanya kaya.
Tapi baginda dan sahabat tidak meletakkan dunia di hati.
Mereka tidak fikir panjang untuk sedekah dan infaq. Dan tiada hutang riba (pisau di leher).
Kaya atau miskin, yang penting jaga iman dan bertaqwa.
Keduanya ada ujian tersendiri.
Satu diuji kesabaran.
Satu lagi diuji kemegahan.
Satu rasa susah. Satu rasa senang.
Itu kebarangkalian? Pilihlah kebarangkalian anda
Nabi dan sahabat kaya, maka menungganglah kita nak jadi kaya.
Tapi jangan lupa kaya mereka bersulam dengan QANAAH ( Selalu rasa cukup dengan apa yang ada )
if you can’t stop thinking about it then start praying for it as much as you want it. Allāh is Al-Wahhab, the Giver of Gifts. He wants to give but you have to ask. Allāh is Al-Mujeeb, the One who answers prayers. Allāh guides you to make du’a because He wants to answer it.
What is faith to you?

It is the silent reassurance in my heart that things will be okay when everything seems like it's not. It is the tug in my heart to pray when I'm close to giving up. It is the dua that still escape my lips although I tell myself I've got no hope any longer. It is that moment when I'm exhausted and every ounce of my mind no longer wants to believe yet my heart whispers “Your Lord will not burden your soul beyond it's ability”
‎Seandainya dosa dosa hambaKu memenuhi langit dan bumi, kemudian dia datang kepadaKu dng kalimat ;

‎ربي ظلمت نفسي فاغفرلي

‎'Tuhanku, aku telah medzolimi diriku sendiri, maka ampunilah aku'

‎Maka Aku pasti akan mengampuninya, Aku tidak peduli sebanyak apa dosa itu.

‎-Hadist Qudsi
Taubat itu adalah senjata. Doa itu adalah senjata. Berharap kepada Allah itu adalah senjata.

Antara senjatanya Nabi Muhammad SAW di dalam perang badar adalah doa. Doa itu adalah senjata bagi orang yang beriman.

• Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid