Patriotic Alternative Eastern Region
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The official Telegram broadcast channel of the Eastern Region of Patriotic Alternative.

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Eastern Region rounded off an excellent month of social and political activism with a hike through the rolling farmland of north Essex. Our hikes are a regular feature on our calendar which helps introduce new recruits to our team in an informal manner, builds the community spirit our kinfolk urgently need to survive and prosper and takes us to parts of our region which we might not otherwise visit.

Our 10 mile hike over muddy fields and through ancient woodland was a challenging but rewarding way to finish January.
Forwarded from Sam Melia: A Grug's Life
Join us tonight at 7pm (UK time) for Episode 79 of Tea Time with Sam & Laura

- We're joined by the One-Punch Man, Darren Edmundson aka the Pembrokeshire Patriot!
- Leeds demonstration success
- Lessons from Penally
- Q&A

Odysee (our preferred platform):


Tuesday Teaser #13

This picture puzzle is a bit of light entertainment but also provides a learning experience about the rich history of our region.

The structure in the photograph still exists somewhere in one of the six counties which make up the Eastern region. Can you identify the building and where it is located?

No prizes for this!

HINT: "Cleared for take off".
Forwarded from Saint Harrison
Just compiling the entries for the Short Story Competition from the last few days and it’s up to 23!

This reminds of the video competition a few years ago when everything came in during the final stretch. It’s certainly a mix of stories too.

Still have a few hours left to submit your entry.
Forwarded from HomeTalk
Join us for PA Talk #73 LIVE at 8:30 pm UK time (3:30 pm EST) with our special guest Essex Anglo.

Si may be running a bit late, coming back from some important activism but we will manage.

- Tories desperate for holocaust memorial
- Ukrainian refugees unhappy with diversity
- Black boy lane sign controversy
- Activism of the Week
- Libtard of the Week
- Quiz
- Mean Peem's Meme Team


Sir Rowland Alston was the squire of Odell, a small parish near Bedford. He owned most of the land around the village which he rented to tenants and lived well on the profits. He had a reputation for being sinful but also lucky.

One stormy night, a stranger riding a black stallion and dressed in black arrived at his home. The stranger went straight to Sir Rowland's study.

But Sir Rowland panicked. He ran past his servants and jumped onto the stranger's black stallion as if his life depended on it.

The villagers saw Sir Rowland galloping towards the church with the stranger close behind.

When Sir Rowland did not return the next morning, the servants went to look for him and made their way to the church. The door was bolted from the inside. Imprinted on the stone porch were five fresh giant burn marks, in the shape of fingerprints!
Peering through a window they saw Sir Rowland stone dead, his face frozen in terror.

The villagers could not prove it, but they knew what had happened. Sir Rowland must have sold his soul to Old Nick who had come to settle the debt. Sir Rowland must have realised that his only hope was to reach holy ground, when the time came to hand over his soul.

The story did not end there because, ten years to the day since that fateful night, Sir Rowland's ghost returned. Mounted on his spectral horse he rode through the village pursued by an apparition with horns, tail and cloven hooves.

The phantom squire raced up to the church door, squeezing through the keyhole just in time. The Devil steaming with rage at losing his prey, violently shook the church and then vanished. At regular intervals, the ghost of Sir Rowland would return each time with the Devil in hot pursuit.

Eventually twelve priests were called to help lay to rest the squire's spirit. A ceremony was held to send the phantom squire to a pond in Odell Wood.

The haunting pair has not been seen for many years. Perhaps Sir Rowland is now at rest, or maybe his luck ran out and Satan has his soul secured in hell in payment of his debt.
Forwarded from Laura Towler
LIVESTREAM: Patriotic Alternative January Update - with Laura Towler and special guest hosts Kenny Smith and Sam Melia

Join us at 7pm GMT as we report on Patriotic Alternative’s January activism, our migrant hotel protests and our future plans!




Watch the action LIVE! We'll start filming around 12pm.

(It will appear at the top, full link available once we go live)



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Monday Movie Multiple Choice

The 1996 British film "Brassed Off" tells the troubled but comedic story of a group of workers who have been made redundant. Where did the sacked workers previously work?
Anonymous Quiz
1. Coal mine
2. Cotton mill
3. Locomotive factory
4. Steel works
Forwarded from Sam Melia: A Grug's Life
Join us tonight at 7pm (UK time) for Episode 80 of Tea Time with Sam & Laura

- We're joined by Simon Crane and Kenny Smith from PA Scotland
- Erskine demo victory
- Left-wing hearts & minds campaign
- Q&A

Odysee (our preferred platform):


Tuesday Teaser #14

This picture puzzle is a bit of light entertainment but also provides a learning experience about the rich history of our region.

The structure in the photograph still exists somewhere in one of the six counties which make up the Eastern region. Can you identify the building and where it is located?

No prizes for this!
Forwarded from HomeTalk
Join us for PA Talk #74 LIVE at 8:30 pm UK time (3:30 pm EST) with our special guest Chief Moody.

We'll be covering Erskine local reactions & some very special libtards.

- Neil Oliver accused of antisemitism?
- CoE votes in favour of same sex unions
- RAF broke the law with anti-White policy
- Activism of the Week
- Libtard of the Week
- Quiz
- Mean Peem's Meme Team


Folklore on Friday: The Essex Cunning Man

One of the best known cunning men in England was “Cunning Murrell” of Hadleigh, Essex. James Murrell is said to have been born in Rochford in 1780. At one time he worked for a chemist in London but in about 1810 became a shoemaker in Hadleigh where he openly practised as a cunning man. He earned part of his living by telling fortunes, administering potions and drugs. He also claimed to have the power of counteracting witchcraft, discovering thieves and finding stolen property. One posthumous document from a farmer at Tiptree complained of being possessed with “a damnable spirit of infernal torment", which prevented him from gathering his harvest, wives who suspected their husbands of infidelity wrote to Murrell asking for the other woman to be named and shamed.

Cunning Murrell was certainly not a charlatan. In the 20th century a Mr Pilcher of Great Wakering described how Murrell was called in to treat his father's consumption. On discovering that a quack had recommended a course of bleeding Murrell said “you want blood put into you, not taken out of you” and then prescribed herbal medicine instead.

Some people thought that Murrell was an agent of the devil. He often boasted of being “the devil’s master” whatever he meant by that. One of his specialties was recovering lost property and a Mrs Watson spoke of a boy in the village who once consulted him concerning some money he had lost from a box. Murrell first made certain that the boy had told no one else, then told him not to worry as the money had been taken for a purpose and would be put back again. He asked “Will you keep quiet if I show you the woman who took it and never speak of it during her lifetime?” When the boy agreed Murrell showed him in a glass an image of his own mother. Soon after that the boy found the money back in the box.
Murrell’s other great area of expertise was as a witch finder. He was supposed to be able to call out the witches of Canewdon. He used to identify other witches by advising people how to heat a witch bottle to “draw the witch”, that is making the witch reveal herself by causing her terrible pain. He seemed to have experimented with using iron witch bottles which he had cast by the Hadleigh blacksmith, though elsewhere in 1804 such a bottle exploded killing the client and one of Murrell 's own bottles burst with such an explosion that the fireplace was wrecked.

Cunning Murrell died on the 16th of December 1860 and was buried on the east side of Hadleigh churchyard in an unmarked grave.

Although his death certificate said “James Murrell, profession quack, death of natural causes”, one elderly resident of Rayleigh spoke of a man who boasted that he “did for” Cunning Murrell. His donkey had been bewitched and he thought Murrell was to blame. Getting hold of a bottle he put into it some of the donkey’s hair and some of his own nail clippings. Then he put the bottle on the fire. When it burst there came a loud banging on the door. However, it was locked and he would not open it and very soon Cunning Murrell was dead.
Local resentment continues in the Bedfordshire town of Dunstable, where just a couple of weeks ago, the historical wedding venue The Old Palace Lodge suddenly sacked its staff, closed its doors and announced it was taking on a Home Office contract.

This could only mean one thing – unknown and undocumented migrant males from Africa, Albania and the Middle East being bussed in to the town.

This afternoon three activists delivered 900 leaflets to residents of the town, alerting them to the ongoing issue and to raise awareness of a public meeting to be addressed by the town’s MP this Thursday (16th).

Our volunteers received positive responses from residents, some of whom reported they were unaware of the meeting with MP Andrew Selous and have stated that they will now be coming to speak out against the placement of illegal migrants in Dunstable.

If you live in the area and want to oppose the housing of third world migrant males at taxpayers' expense get in touch and play your part.
Tuesday Teaser #15

This picture puzzle is a bit of light entertainment but also provides a learning experience about the rich history of our region.

The structure in the photograph still exists somewhere in one of the six counties which make up the Eastern region. Can you identify the building and where it is located?

No prizes for this!