Time machine
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20-year-old Elizabeth and 26-year-old Philip, 1947.
Steve Jobs and his family. USA. 2000s.
A 1919 Harley Davidson motorcycle.
Soldiers escort young prisoners through the streets of Cambodia. They will be shot later. 1974
Drunk Ernest Hemingway kicks an empty beer can, 1959.
Debbie Harry for Vogue, 1994.
Lunch in honor of the Victory after signing the terms of the unconditional surrender of Germany. From left to right: British Air Chief Marshal Sir A. Tedder, Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, Commander of the US Strategic Air Forces General Spaats K. Berlin. 05.08.1945
In the fire trucks of the 1930s there was a special place for service dogs.
Emerald wine cup on a golden stem, India, XVIII century.
The future Pope Francis in the metro, Argentina, 2008