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136 subscribers
35 photos
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63 links
🇺🇦 Добування відомостей про бойовий склад, положення, стан угруповань військ противника, характер його дій;
🇺🇦 Стан справ на окупованих територіях України.
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The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 29 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 19 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.
The owner of this channel has been inactive for the last 11 months. If they remain inactive for the next 10 days, they may lose their account and admin rights in this channel. The channel will remain accessible for all users.