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🔔 G7 nations demand Russia return control of Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant to Ukraine

G7 nations on Wednesday demanded that Russia give back full control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and other nuclear facilities to Ukraine, amid growing concern from international organizations that nearby fighting could lead to catastrophic consequences.

“We remain profoundly concerned by the serious threat that the seizure of Ukrainian nuclear facilities and other actions by Russian armed forces pose to the safety and security of these facilities, significantly raising the risk of a nuclear accident or incident and endangering the population of Ukraine, neighboring states and the international community,” G7 countries said in a joint statement Wednesday.

It is Russia’s continued control of the plant that endangers the region,” the statement said, adding that Ukrainian staff operating the plant must be free to perform their duties without being threatened or pressured by occupying Russian forces.

Russia and Ukraine have traded blame for recent artillery and rocket fire around the nuclear plant in central Ukraine, which UN Secretary General António Guterres described as "suicidal."

Russia’s control of the nuclear power plant is also undermining the IAEA’s ability to monitor Ukraine’s peaceful nuclear activities for safety purposes, according to the G7 statement.

“We underline the importance of facilitating a mission of IAEA experts to the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant to address nuclear safety, security and safeguard concerns, in a manner that respects full Ukrainian sovereignty over its territory and infrastructure,” said the G7 statement, which reiterated the group’s "full and continued support" for the IAEA.

CNN's Sugam Pokharel contributed reporting to this post.
‼️Russia-Ukraine war: first wheat shipments to leave next week; UN to discuss Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant crisis – live

The First 12 ships to leave Ukraine’s ports carried 370,000 tonnes of corn and foodstuffs, UN official says; UN security council to hold an emergency meeting at Russia’s request

# Russian warplanes destroyed in Crimea attack – satellite images
# Russia charges journalist who protested war live on TV
# Shelling near Ukraine nuclear plant kills 13 civilians

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Russia claims Ukraine used US arms to kill jailed POWs. Evidence tells a different story

On the morning of July 29, just hours after more than 50 Ukrainian prisoners of war were killed, a Russian reporter at the scene displayed remnants of a US-made HIMARS rocket. Ukraine, according to Moscow’s version of events, had killed its own soldiers with a HIMARS strike.
Ukraine vehemently denied the claims, calling the attack "a deliberate war crime by the Russians."
A CNN investigation based on analysis of video and photographs from the scene, satellite imagery from before and after the attack, and the work of forensic and weapons experts concludes the Russian version of events is very likely a fabrication.
A lack of access makes definitive conclusions impossible. However, experts say most signs point to intense fire, and according to several witnesses there was no sound of an incoming rocket.
Read the special report here.
🔔 Here are the latest headlines on the Russia-Ukraine war:

Pro-Russian forces claim progress in Donetsk: Pro-Russian separatist forces say they have entered the Donetsk towns of Soledar and Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine. DPR forces also claim to have surrounded Avdiivka and were in control of most of Pisky and Marinka.
Ukraine strikes Russian targets in south: Ukraine's military said it carried out six airstrikes against Russian targets in southern Ukraine on Wednesday. Russian forces were hit in the Beryslav district of Kherson and ammunition depots were destroyed in Bashtanka and Barvinka, officials said.
Two killed by Russian shelling: At least two people were killed and nine others injured, including a 13-year-old girl, after Russian forces shelled Ukraine's central Dnipropetrovsk region overnight, according to Ukrainian officials.
Belarus air base fire caused by equipment: An overnight blaze at a Belarusian air base near the Ukrainian border was caused by a piece of equipment catching fire, the Belarus Defense Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. The statement was issued in response to reports of flashes and detonations at Zyabrovka Air Base near the southeastern city of Gomel.
More military support for Ukraine: The United Kingdom will send further multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine, and Denmark will give another 110 million euros ($113.7 million) in financial aid to Ukraine for "weapons, equipment and training." In addition, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Germany will provide Ukraine with arms deliveries "in the near future."
Russia targets Tatar activists: Ukraine's First Deputy Foreign Minister, Emine Dzheppar, said that authorities in Crimea have arrested several Tatar activists after searching their homes. Three of the activists were detained.
From CNN staff
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‼️Russia-Ukraine war: Zelenskiy tells officials to stop leaking military tactics; UN sounds nuclear plant warning – live

Divulging details about Ukraine’s defense plans is ‘frankly irresponsible’, Zelenskiy says; UN nuclear watchdog calls for a visit to the shelled plant

# UN warns of ‘catastrophic consequences’ at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
# What we know on day 170 of the invasion

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Russia-Ukraine War

Here is a quick overview of the latest developments:

Russia has warned the US that potentially placing Russia on the US State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism could be a diplomatic “point of no return”, and trigger a total breakdown of relations between the two countries.
Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said on Saturday the war could only end with the return of the Crimea peninsula and the punishment of the Russian leaders who ordered the military invasion.
Russian forces have taken full control of Pisky, a village on the outskirts in Ukraine’s Donetsk region, Interfax cited the Russian defence ministry as saying on Saturday
The two primary road bridges giving access to the pocket of Russian-occupied territory on the west bank of the Dnipro in Ukraine’s Kherson region are now probably out of use for the purposes of substantial Russian military resupply, British military intelligence said on Saturday, which has been described as a key vulnerability by the UK’s defence ministry.
Ukraine’s health minister has accused Russian authorities of committing a crime against humanity by blocking access to affordable medicines and hospitals in occupied areas.
The Estonian prime minister, Kaja Kallas, has again complained that the lack of comprehensive Schengen zone travel restrictions for Russians puts an “unfair” burden on countries neighboring Russia, reiterating calls on the EU to introduce visa bans for Russian nationals.
The Ukrainian military has reportedly shot down a Russian fighter jet, as well as four Russian drones over the past 24 hours, according to Ukrainian media.

The Guardian
📫 Across Europe, beaches and cities are filled with tourists. Among them, perhaps keeping their voices low, is a sprinkling of Russians. But if some politicians have their way, this may be the last summer Russian tourists can spend on a Mediterranean beach.

Countries including Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Finland and the Czech Republic have called for the EU to limit or block short-term Schengen visas for Russians, in protest of their country’s invasion of Ukraine.

After six months of the war, the proposal echoes widespread frustration with a Russian public that seems either unable or unwilling to mount a meaningful resistance to the war being waged in their name. The situation has been aggravated by high-profile incidents including a Russian woman harassing two Ukrainian refugees in Europe.

“Stop issuing tourist visas to Russians,” Estonian prime minister Kaja Kallas wrote on Twitter last week. “Visiting #Europe is a privilege, not a human right.”

Andrew Roth, The Guardian
📷 A crater from a Russian rocket attack Friday night is seen next to damaged homes in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine. The strike killed three people and wounded 13, according to the mayor.
Photograph: David Goldman/AP
Inside the Ukraine power plant raising the specter of a nuclear disaster in Europe

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‼️Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow’s forces attempt to advance in Donetsk; Putin vows to expand relations with North Korea – live

Reports of heavy Russian shelling in eastern Donetsk; Putin says in letter to Kim Jong-un closer ties are in both countries’ interests

# Ukraine to target Russian soldiers at Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant
# What we know on day 173 of the invasion

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A three-week drive around Ukraine's front lines taught me this: The tide of the war is unlikely to turn any time soon

Analysis by Nic Robertson, CNN

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⚠️ Locking up Putin is the only hope of a resolution. It’s a strategic aim the West should energetically pursue‼️

The west’s strategic aims in Ukraine – to repulse Russia’s invasion, restore national sovereignty, and score a victory for global democracy over “the forces of darkness” – were clearly set out by US president Joe Biden in Warsaw in March and subsequently endorsed by the UK and European leaders.

What has always been less clear is whether they honestly expect to achieve these aims, given Nato’s less than heroic refusal to get directly involved. An uncomfortable, even distressing question now arises: should Ukrainians prepare for a stab in the back this winter?

Nearly six months into the war, the widening gap between rhetoric and reality grows potentially fatal. Public outrage over the invasion is giving way to concern, bordering on panic, about its alarming knock-on effects on energy and food prices and the cost of living.

That in turn is feeding doubts about western staying power. How long before Europe’s already shaky unity crumbles, if and when Russia’s gas tap is finally turned off?

Simon Tisdall - the Guardian
EU and more than 40 countries urge Russia to withdraw forces from Ukrainian nuclear power plant

A joint statement from the European Union and 42 countries including the United States has called on Russia to immediately withdraw its forces from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in southern Ukraine.

Nuclear watchdog's warning: On Thursday, IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said the "alarming" situation at the plant had reached a "grave hour," as he called for an immediate inspection of the facility by international experts.

The joint statement expressed support for the work of the IAEA and emphasized that "the deployment of Russian military personnel and weaponry at the nuclear facility is unacceptable and disregards the safety, security, and safeguards principles that all members of the IAEA have committed to respect."

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