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​​Dear students! Welcome to the Tashkent branch of TOBB ETU University!
Adham Ilkhamovich Ikramov - Rector of the TOBB ETU TASHKENT branch, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Science, professor:
I would like to congratulate everyone sincerely on the opening of the branch of the University of Economics and Technology of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB ETU TASHKENT) and the beginning of the first 2020-2021 academic year at our university.
It is also worth noting that due to the support and assistance of government of Uzbekistan, this project was implemented in a short period of time.
It is a great honor for me to see the "first swallows" of our university, as well as highly qualified and experienced professors both from our country and those invited from the Turkish side.
I am sure that students who choose our University will become part of the entrepreneurial environment and get original and universal knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. The university will educate individuals and international business experience.
The university itself is widely known in Turkey and is very popular. It was ranked 32nd in 2018 among the best universities in the world founded since 2000 in the ranking of Young Universities 2018: Universities of the Millennium!
The TOBB ETU has adopted as a basis in its curriculum and education system elements of dual education, aimed at "co-education" with industry, where theoretical knowledge and practice are presented in balance. The "Cooperative Education" program was introduced. The aim of the program is to provide work experience to students in companies in Turkey or abroad prior to earning a bachelor's degree. TOBB ETU has a special place in the Turkish higher education system.
The TOBB ETU TASHKENT branch will try in its first year of foundation and in the future to give its students professional and practical knowledge. Due to it our students can create a successful future with their own hands. We will also work hard to create an effective vocational training system, increase student exchange programs. In turn, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with all regional divisions will always serve as a platform for training, professional development and entrepreneurship development.
I am confident that the members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry will also take part and contribute to the education of TOBB ETU TASHKENT students, which will become one of the distinctive features of our branch. I believe that we will be the leaders in creating an entrepreneurial corpus. Once again, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the beginning of our first academic year and I wish each of you to know every day that you have taken the right step by choosing the branch of the University of Economics and Technology of the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey in Tashkent!
I wish you a great start to the academic year and success in your studies.
Forwarded from Savdo-sanoat palatasi

⚡️ Ўзбек-Туркман ишбилармонлар кенгашининг йиғилиши бўлиб ўтди.

📌 Кун тартибида саноат ва транспорт, тўқимачилик саноати, соғлиқни сақлаш ва фармацевтика, шунингдек, Туркманистон ва Ўзбекистон ўртасидаги қишлоқ хўжалиги соҳасидаги ҳамкорлик масалалари кўриб чиқилди.


⚡️ Состоялось Заседание узбекско-туркменского Делового Совета

📌 На повестке дня стояли вопросы сотрудничества в сфере промышленности и транспорта, текстильной промышленности, здравоохранения и фармацевтики, а также в сфере сельского хозяйства между Туркменистаном и Узбекистаном


⚡️The Meeting of the Uzbek-Turkmen Business Council was held

📌 On the agenda, there were the issues of cooperation in industry and transport, textile industry, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, as well as agriculture between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan|Facebook|Instagram|Telegram
Dear students,
We would like to introduce you academic staff of TOBB ETU_Tashkent

Уважаемые студенты,
Мы бы хотели представить вам академический состав TOBB ETU_Tashkent

Ҳурматли талабалар,
Сизларни TOBB ETU_Tashkent академик жамоаси билан таништириб ўтмоқчимиз
Oğuz Ergin, Prof.
Advisor to the Rector, Head of Computer Engineering Department
State University of New York - Binghamton (USA)Computer Science
Master’s Degree
State University of New York - Binghamton (USA)Computer Science
Bachelor’s Degree
Middle East Technical UniversityElectrical and Electronics Engineering
Hakkı Arda Tokat, Asst. Prof.
Head of International Business and Entrepreneurship Department
PhD in Economics GC - The City University of New York, NY, 2009
MA in Economics Brooklyn College - CUNY, Brooklyn, NY, 2006
MS in Computer Science Pace University - New York, NY, 2003
MBA Montclair State University - Montclair, NJ, 2000
BS in Metallurgical & Materials
Science Engineering ODTU / METU, Ankara, Turkey, 1
Ekin Tokat, Assoc. Prof.
Ph.D. Economics - 2005- CUNY, NY, USA
MA Economics - 2003 - CUNY Brooklyn College, - NY, USA
MBA 1999 - METU, Ankara, Turkey
MS Materials Science - 1995 - METU, Ankara, Turkey
B.S. Metallurgical Engineering - 1992 - METU, Ankara, Turkey
CEM KILIÇ, Professor
Gazi University
Social Sciences Institute/department of labor economics and industry relations
Master’s Degree
Gazi University
Social Sciences Institute/department of labor economics and industry relations
Bachelor’s Degree
Gazi University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

🔔 Эслатиб ўтамиз, бугун вебинар!

Маърузачи: Жавлонбек Носиров - Савдо-саноат палатаси Қонунчилик ҳужжатларининг тадбиркорлик фаолиятига таъсирини баҳолаш бошқармаси бош юрисконсульти

📈 Мавзу: "Пандемия даврида шартномавий мажбуриятларнинг бажарилиши"

📆 9 октябр, жума


Вебинарга уланиш:

👉 Телеграм каналимиз:

✍️ Ахборот ҳамкоримиз:
Yangi O'zbekiston nashri
Сегодня прошла встреча Ректора филиала TOBB ETU TASHKENT, Председателя Торгово-промышленной палаты Республики Узбекистан, Доктора наук, Профессора Адхама Ильхамовича Икрамова со студентами филиала Университета экономики и технологий Турции в Ташкенте.

На встрече также приняли участие Исполнительный Директор, PhD, Дилором Баходыровна Бегматова, Заместитель Председателя ТПП Фаризшох Талъатович Усманов, а также другие ответственные лица.

На мероприятии, "первые ласточки" были ознакомлены с деятельностью филиала данного вуза. Также была представлена презентация о деятельности команды TOBB ETU TASHKENT.

Студентам была предоставлена возможность получить ответы на все, интересующие их вопросы.

По итогам встречи, были определены цели и задачи для тесной коммуникации со студентами, для разработки индивидуального подхода к каждому студенту TOBB ETU TASHKENT.

Бугун TOBB ETU TASHKENT филиали Ректори, Ўзбекистон Республикаси Савдо-саноат палатаси Раиси, Фанлар Доктори, Профессор Адҳам Илҳамович Икрамовнинг филиал талабалари билан учрашуви бўлиб ўтди.

Учрашувда шунингдек, Ижрочи директор, PhD, Дилором Баходыровна Бегматова, Савдо-саноат палатаси раисининг ўринбосари Фаризшох Талатович Усманов ва бошқа масъул ходимлар иштирок этди.

Тадбирда "биринчи қалдирғочлар" ушбу университет филиали фаолияти билан таништирилди. Шунингдек, TOBB ETU TASHKENT жамоасининг фаолияти тўғрисидаги маълумотлар тақдимот шаклида тақдим этилди.

Шунингдек, талабалар ўзларини қизиқтирган барча саволларга жавоб олиш имкониятига эга бўлдилар.

Учрашув сўнгида TOBB ETU TASHKENTнинг талабалари билан яқиндан мулоқот қилиш, ҳар бирига индивидуал тарзда ёндашиш учун мақсад ва вазифалар белгилаб олинди.

TOBB ETU TASHKENT Матбуот хизмати