Tsegaye R Ararssa
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"Mooraa Waraanaa Dhedheessaatti lola taasifameen Colonel Kaasaahun ajajaan achi du'ee helicopter dhuftee reefa fuutee deemte. Aanaa Giddaa Ayyaana bakka Alii jedhamutti hidhattoonni Amaaraa Oromoo 300 ta'u fixxe jedhanii--kaleessa galgalaa irraa kaasee hanga har'aa sa'atii kanaatti. Neetwark fi ifaan waan hin jirreef ibsa dabalata argachuu hin dandeenye."
#Inbox (Tigray)

"The Ethiopian Government Air Force conducted massive and repeated air strikes on a crowded market place in the town of Alamata, Tigray. The repeated air strikes in the crowded market place have killed so far 28 civilian marketers and wounded 76 civilians. It has ignited massive fire on the town which was seen by satellites. The town of Amata is very far from battle front lines and there was no military activities. This is clear demonstration of the Genocidal war being waged on the people of Tigray. The international community’s deafening silence is encouraging the fascist and cruel Group in leading Ethiopia.
The international community should call these atrocities and war crimes by its proper name, which is "Genocide."