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“Nitaati jennee Harree qalle, ta’uu didnaan harree gatne.”

Amma dubbiin haalaan qulqulloofte, calalte. Kan hin taane wajjin hin dhamaanu. Gatneet bira kutna. Hundasaa dhiisneet hojii karaa bilisummaafi walabummaa nuuf saaquu danda’utti bobbaanaa. Yaaliin kanaan duraa yoo “hin taane “, irra deebineet akka haaraatti eegalla kaa—akkuma kiristinnaa Badhaasaa san.😁

We shall begin again—if need be out of scratch. Yes, let’s begin again a la Arendt!

Cheers to the new beginning! Cheers to the beautiful ones yet to be born!

The story continues. The march for freedom goes on. Marching to our own drum beats. Yes, to the drum beats of walabummaa!

Chapter closed, (and they have reached the end of their road.) New chapter begins, one which we write by ourselves, for ourselves, and for humanity—in solidarity with our likes!
በምትሳደቡት የስድብ ዓይነት፣ ምን ዓይነት ሰዎች እንደሆናችሁ፣ ለምን ዓይነት "ክቡር" ዓላማ እብደምትታገሉ፣ ራዕይና ግባችሁ (ራዕይ ለማየትም ዓይነ-ህሊና ይጠይቃል) ምን እንደ ሆነ፣ የት እንደምትደርሱ (ወይም እንደማትደርሱ) ለማወቅ ችያለሁ። ያክብርልኝ።
Short of complete freedom, there shall not be a stop to our struggle. We pursue total freedom: freedom from external domination and freedom from internal restrictions!

Settling for less is surrender. Anything less is self-imposed slavery.

Anything less is elite preemption of the peoples' opportunity to express their aspirations and to determine their destiny.

Anything less is opportunism.

Yes, we do believe in #Walabumaa__today, any day, everyday!!
#Oromo #Oromiyaa
The problem with OFC (especially under Jawar's leadership) is not that they advocate peaceful resistance; their problem is that they are not doing what they say they are committed to. Yes, the problem is that they are campaigning to demobilize the public so that the people can support Abiy. They are Abiy's last trick to contain anger and dissolve Oromo demands for justice and sovereignty!
Democratizing vs Dismantling Empire, or Preserving a Genocidal Regime??
Some in the OFC fan base posit that the difference between Jawar's OFC and his diaspora critics is that the OFC is for democratizing the empire while the critics are for dismantling it. Nothing is further from the truth.

Everyone knows that OFC has always had a modest ambition. That is, democratizing and implementing the federal system. Everyone knows that OFC does not subscribe to the imperial-cum-colonial thesis in Ethiopia's historiography. No one has ever expected Dr Merera's party to advocate for walabummaa (or any form of external self-determination) as they have always been clear as to where they stand.

The problem with Jawar's OFC is that they are not even for democratizing or federalizing the empire. They are working openly to preserve Abiy's anti-democratic, anti-federalist, and genocidal regime with all its anachronistic project of restoring the imperial glory. In other words, Jawar is not even interested in challenging OPDO/PP like OFC used to do; he is trying to secure OPDO's power by demobilizing the people through fear-mongering (by saying "the fall of our empire will be worse than the fall of Yugoslavia!"). Utter nonsense. (Barcuma diinaa marsanii eeguun Habtegiorgisifuu hin taane.)

Also, he contends that the claim that "empires cannot be democratized"--which most of the Oromo diaspora repeatedly asserted--is a half truth. But he doesn't show why that claim is not fully true. He gives no example of an empire that has been democratized before it is dismantled. (He simply invokes Yugoslavia's fall as the faint caricature of our future. As if we are not already in the depth of a tragedy that is worse than Yugoslavia!) Nor does he give an example of a colony that is democratized before it is decolonized.

By the way, there can never be such a thing as a democratized colony. Creating the Demos that serves as the subject of democratic action requires asserting collective agency, a capacity as an independent moral agent, to freely decide on how to govern itself.

In effect, what Jawar's brand of OFC is saying is: let us just preserve the status quo because democratizing it may lead to dismantling the empire. And dismantling is a risky business. (Hence, the anger of the listening public: why would we care for an empire built through genocide, disposession, and displacement of the Oromo?)

The problem is not that Jawar does not fight for walabummaa. OFC is obviously against it, and Jawar can't be otherwise. In fact, Jawar has never sought walabummaa as the end game of his politics. His problem is in questioning the sincerity of those disagree with him on the matter, his inability (and refusal) to imagine the possibility, the desirability, and the probability of it all.

All said, the refrain in his sermon is for us to stop all we do and dance to the drumbeat of Abiy's genocide.

We say NO. We stand in defiance of a genocidal regime. We will reclaim our collective agency because that is the only way to overcome and avoid the genocidal practice of a barbaric empire. We will assert our right to self-determination. We will determine our destiny. We will join our allies in the neighborhood to create a voluntary union as part of our act of determining our destiny. By all means, we will defeat, destroy, and dismantle the genocidal regime.

By realigning itself with Abiy's PP, Jawar's PP is actively implicating itself in the regime's atrocity crimes including genocide, war crime, and crime against humanity.

Do you have to redefine Eritrea’s meddling in Ethiopian affairs (and it’s genocidal operations) as a “semi-domestic (semi-foreign)” matter in order to whitewash Abiy’s treasonous pact with Isayas (to wage war on his own peoples)?

How far can you go to defend Abiy’s criminal regime and its int’l partners? How can one choose to implicate himself in the crimes of neo-fascists bent on exterminating their adversaries? Enjoy your complicity but not in our name. Not in the name of the Oromo nation.
#OFC #Jawar
Forwarded from Etana Habte (Etana Habte)
Amma dubbiin walcalaluu eegalee jira. Falammiin siyaasaa mooraa qabsoo Oromoo keessatti ka’e, akkuma irra deddeebiin ibsine, walmormii tooftaa qabsoo miti. Jecha biraatiin kan walfalmaa jiru yaada qabsoo karaa nagaa fi yaada karaa qawwee miti. Sirna faashistii dhala namaa lafa irra duguugaa jiru “OBBOLEESSA jal’aa” jechuun, ‘hardware’n kan keenya kan nuhafe ‘software’ haaressuudha jechuun yoo raatofneerra ta’e malee kottaa karaa nagaa qabsoofnaa jechuu miti. Kottaa Biltsiginnaatti harka kennannee sabboonummaa Oromootti bishaan naqanaa jechuudha. Waamichi jiru murna faashitii aangoo irra jiruuf deggersa Oromoo argamsiisuudhaan siyaasa Oromoo laamshessuudha. Amma gaaffiin jiru Jawar Mohammed maal jedhaa jira isa jedhu miti—inni iftoominaan kaayyoo ofii himatee jira. Gaaffiin ammatti waanuma lama:

1. Biltsiginnaa kabeebsanii aangoo irra bulchuun kanuma Jawaar qofamoo ejjennoo KFO ti? Kana irratti hooggantootni KFO hafan maal jedhu? Uummatni keenya deebii barbaada.

2. Gaaffiin inni irra barbaachisaa fi murteessaan isa kana—mooraan qabsoo Oromoo yeroo kanatti akkamitti qulqullina yaadaa fi ejjennoo uumee haxxummaa namoota uummta gowwoomsaa jiranii gaadi’iudhaan qabsoo tarkaanfachiisee galmaan ga’a?

Amma dhimmi keenya waa’ee namaa miti—waa’ee carraa qabsoo uummata Oromooti. Amma yeroon kun yeroo itti mooraan qabsoo Oromoo qaamota sabboontummaa Oromoo jala hiriiranii qabsoo itti fufuu barbaadan—jecha biraatiin kan Biltsiginnaatti harka kennachuu hinbarbaadne—marii biyyoolessaa godhachuudhaan qulqullina yaadaa fi ejjennoo uummatanidha.
Dhodhoosi. Ni dhodhoosnaa. Sodaa dhodhoosuut qabna ree? #ማፍረጥረጥ_ብርቅ_ነው_እንዴ?
የኦነግ አባላትን አሳዶ ማሰር አሁንም አልቆመም::
ጃል ዳዊት ጉደታ በዛሬው ዕለት ሆለታ ከተማ ዉስጥ በደህንነት ታፍኗል::
Genocidal fascism may be tamed, but it can not be redeemed, by self-obsessed oligarchs. #ከድጡ_ወደ_ማጡ