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Sioni Street in the Old Town

Year: 1900-1910

Coordinates: 41.691375,44.807334
Shooting direction: South

Until 1841, the street was called “Armory", as gunsmiths worked there and their shops were located right there.
The early history of the street is little known due to the fact that these places were heavily ravaged by the Persians in 1795. At that time, almost nothing remained of the buildings and in fact the street was being rebuilt using the remains of the former stone buildings for new buildings.

The building that can be seen in the photo “caravanserai” (from the Persian “house of caravans” or simply an inn) was built in 1870, arches are visible on the ground floor of the building, these were the storefronts of shops. The upper floors were rented to visiting merchants

The photo shows another part of the building on the right, so this is also a “caravanserai”, and this building was one of the first to be restored after the defeat of 1795 (in 1818 it was renovated).

It's funny that right under the columns (at the photographer's place) of this building there was a rocky cliff where the Kura River flowed. Later it was filled in.

Митинг у Дома правительства

Год: 1990

Координаты: 41.697025,44.798965
Направление съёмки: запад

Ираклий Церетели у микрофона. Рядом с ним первый президент Грузии Звиад Гамсахурдия и председатель Народного фронта Нодар Натадзе, справа председатель монархической партии Темур Жоржолиани.

Rally at the Government House

Year: 1990

Coordinates: 41.697025,44.798965
Shooting direction: West

Irakli Tsereteli at the microphone. Next to him is the first President of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia and the chairman of the Popular Front Nodar Natadze, on the right is the chairman of the monarchist party Temur Zhorzholiani.

Дорога к Пантеону на горе Мтацминда

Год: 1980-1981

Координаты: 41.695708,44.789278
Направление съёмки: север

The road to the Pantheon on Mtatsminda Mountain

Year: 1980-1981

Coordinates: 41.695708,44.789278
Shooting direction: North

Дорога к Пантеону на горе Мтацминда

Год: 1980-1981

Координаты: 41.695708,44.789278
Направление съёмки: север

The road to the Pantheon on Mtatsminda Mountain

Year: 1980-1981

Coordinates: 41.695708,44.789278
Shooting direction: North

Проспект Руставели и Театр оперы и балета

Год: 1937

Координаты: 41.700189,44.796093
Направление съёмки: север
Rustaveli Avenue and Opera and Ballet Theater

Year: 1937

Coordinates: 41.700189,44.796093
Shooting direction: North