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Saint Padre Pio on suffering:

“Jesus knows how to convert the transitory sufferings to eternal rewards.”
“Consider yourself extremely fortunate in participating to the sufferings of the God-Man.”
“The salvation of souls must be accomplished on the Calvary.”
“Suffering is a gift that we cannot have in Paradise.”
“He who begins to love must be ready to suffer.”
“Suffering is the helping hand of the Infinite Love for our regeneration.”
“Suffering is the most powerful lever to raise man up again.”
“Suffering is necessary for our souls.”
“”God has decreed that glory will be ours on condition that we endure suffering.”
“Bearing physical and spiritual ailments is the worthiest gift we can offer to Jesus.”
“My sufferings are pleasing.”
“Jesus, let me suffer, and let me die from suffering.”
“Suffering is expiation.”
“In suffering we give something to God, which we cannot do in Paradise.”
“The Angels are jealous of us because they can’t suffer.”
“Suffering is a sure sign that God loves us.”
“Accepting the sufferings will perfect and sanctify us.”

#quote #padrepio
Saint Padre Pio on Guardian Angels

Send me your Guardian Angel:

“If you need me and cannot come to visit me, enter in a church, kneel at the Blessed
Sacrament, and send me your Guardian Angel.”

Guardian Angel lifetime companion:

“My guardian Angel has been my faithful companion since my infancy.”

“When we die, our Guardian Angel will take our soul to heaven.”

“From cradle to grave our Guardian Angel never leaves us alone; not even when we sin, even when we are disgusting God with our behavior.”

“Oh if all men could understand this great gift that God assigned to us; this celestial spirit. “

“What consolation when, at the moment of death, you will see this Angel, who accompanied you through life and was so liberal in maternal care. “

Guardian Angel on duty:

“The duty of the Guardian Angel is not only of spiritual guidance. He also prevents bodily harm for us.”

“Let’s confide to Our Guardian Angel our pains and sorrows. He is like a friend, like a brother.”

“The angels envy us for one thing only: they cannot suffer for God.”

“Your Guardian Angel prays for you constantly; offers to God all the good works you accomplish; your holy and pure desires.”

“When you seem to be alone here a friendly soul to whom you can unburden yourself and in whom you can confide your sorrows.Do not forget this invisible companion, always present to listen to you; always ready to console you.”

“Often remember his presence; thank him; pray to him; Respect him; be in constant fear of offending the purity of his gaze.”

“The mission of my Guardian Angel Includes explaining me other languages.”

#reading #padrepio #angels
Saint Padre Pio on virtues:

“Give me and preserve in me an ardent faith.”

“I desire no greater pleasure than my faith, my hope, and my love.”

“I have never regretted being gentle.”

“Gentleness doesn’t mean permissiveness.”

“Even when reprimanding, one must be courteous and gentle.”

“We must always have kindness with the neighbor and humility with God.”

“I cannot tolerate criticizing and speaking ill of our neighbor.”

“I would prefer to be stabbed rather than offend anyone.”

“Strong and generous hearts do not complain.”

“As the pearls are held together by the thread, thus the virtues by charity”

“The pearls fall when the thread breaks, thus the virtues are lost if charity diminishes.”

“The pivot of perfection is charity; He who lives in charity lives in God, because God is charity, as the Apostle says.”

“Excuse everyone with Christian charity.”

“Seek solitude but do not lack charity with your neighbor.”

“Charity is the yardstick with which the Lord will judge us all.”

“Go out of your way when you get a chance to act charitably.”

“To lack charity is to wound the pupil of God’s eye.”

“To lack charity is like sinning against nature.”

“Charity is the daughter of Providence.”

“Charity knows how to mix sweet with bitter, and convert transitory suffering in eternal reward.”

“Charity is the cornerstone of perfection.”

“Charity is the queen of virtues.”

“Humility is truth. Everything good in me is of God.”

“False humility brings discouragement.”

“When Jesus sees you prostrated in humility, he will extend his hand and draw you to him.”

“Humility is the recognition of one’s abjection.”

“God speaks to those who truly have a humble heart.”

‘When you fall, humble yourself but without degrading yourself.”

“Abjection means to be humble and powerless.”

“Mary, the more she was filled with heavenly gifts, the more she humbled.”

“The tall ears of grain are vain and empty; the ones bent to the ground are humble and laden with grain.”

“Be humble, tranquil, sweet, and confident in times of darkness.”

“Consider yourself what you really are: a nothing.”

“Never be pleased with yourself.”

"Humility and charity go hand in hand. The one glorifies, the other sanctifies."

“There are two fundamental virtues of holiness: humility and charity.”

“Prudence has the eyes and love the legs: with them you can run to God.”

“Tranquility is the daughter of the love for God.”

“Let’s keep well etched in our mind what the Divine Teacher says: “In our patience we will possess our soul.”

“Wait, your turn will come.”

“Guard jealously the purity of your heart and your body.”

#padrepio #quote #virtues #moraltheology
"Matrimony is Calvary."

Padre Pio's counsel to his very first spiritual daughter, Giovanna Rizzani.

Padre Pio said this to Giovanna because she was trying to figure out if she was called to religious life or marriage, and another priest had previously instructed her to enter a convent, which perplexed Giovanna, and so she sought out her father-in-spirit Pio who told her it was not God's will for her to become a nun: "My daughter, Christ does not want you on Mount Tabor, but on Calvary. Religious life is Tabor. Matrimony is Calvary." Pio shone more light on this gem of insight, "On Tabor one seeks, one finds, and one lives united with God in prayer and in contemplation. On Calvary one finds suffering in crucifixion with Jesus." When Giovanna knew she was destined to find a husband and be, "in crucifixion with Jesus," she was filled with great happiness. Her spiritual father, Pio, the stigmatist who bore the bloody wounds of Christ advised his daughter to enter the state of life that is to be "in crucifixion."

The text of this remarkable conversation is from the depositions and sworn testimony that Giovanna gave concerning her extraordinary relationship with Padre Pio. Pio called Giovanna "the first born of my heart," as she was entrusted to him on the very day she was born, January 18, 1905. At the time Pio was only 17 and had only been in the seminary two full years, when one bleak winter's night he was taken by bilocation to tippy-top of Italy, Udine, where he met Our Lady outside a grand mansion, who told him that his first spiritual daughter was being born that very night. Our Lady instructed Pio: "I entrust this creature to you, she is a precious stone still in a rough state: work on her, polish her, render her as brilliant as possible, because one day I wish to adorn myself with her."

As an aside, Giovanna's father had been a die-hard Mason who scorned the Faith, and died the day Giovanna was born. In his dying moments, he repented, and is verily the first Mason that Pio had a hand in converting.

#padrepio #vocation #marriage
Padre Pio on gossip

When a person speaks badly of a friend, he destroys the reputation and the honour of a brother who has the right to enjoy respect.

One day Padre Pio said to a penitent: "When you gossip about a person it means that you have removed the person from your heart. But be aware, when you remove a man from your heart, Jesus also goes away from your heart with that man."

Once, Padre Pio was invited to bless a house. But when he reached the entrance of the kitchen he said: "There are snakes here.  I do not want to go in". And then he said to a priest that often went to that house to eat: “Don't go to that house because they say unpleasant things about their brothers and sisters

Padre Pio on abortion 

One day, Padre Pellegrino asked Padre Pio: "Father, this morning you denied absolution to a lady who confessed to an abortion. Why have you been so rigorous with this poor unfortunate? ". 

Padre Pio said: "The day, in which people, frightened by the economic boom, from physical damages or from economic sacrifices, will lose the horror of the abortion, it will be the most terrible day for humanity. Abortion is not only homicide but also suicide. And with these people we see on the point of committing two crimes…do we want to show our faith? Do we want to save them? " 

"Why suicide?” Padre Pellegrino asked. 

"You would understand this suicide of the human race, if with the eye of reason, you could see the Heart populated by old men and depopulated by children: burnt as a desert

#padrepio #abortion
 The devil is near to people who curse

 In a hotel in St. Giovanni Rotondo it was not possible to rest neither during the day nor at night because there was a girl who was possessed and shouted for hours. Everybody was frightened of her. The child’s mother brought her every day to the church. She hoped that Padre Pio would free the child from the evil spirit. The child also shouted a lot in the church. One day, when Padre Pio had finished hearing the women’s confessions, he met the child that howled fearfully in front of him. The child was being held back with difficulty by two or three men. The Saint was annoyed by the whole uproar and kicked the child with his foot and then he struck the child’s head and he said: "Stop! Enough!" 

The child fell to the ground as if she was sleeping. Padre Pio told a doctor who was standing there, to bring the child to St. Michael, in the sanctuary of Monte Sant’Angelo. When the group reached the destination, they entered the cave where Saint Michael had appeared. The child revived but nobody succeeded in bringing her near to the altar of the Angel. In the midst of the confusion, a monk took the hand of the child and touched the altar. She fell down as if she had been struck by lightening. A few minutes later she woke up and as if nothing had happened she asked her mother: "Could you buy me an ice-cream?" 

At that point the group of people returned to St. Giovanni Rotondo in order to inform and to thank Padre Pio. But Padre Pio told her mother: "Say to your husband not to curse anymore, otherwise the demon will return

#padrepio #spiritualbattle
St. Fr. Pio on fear

'We must know how to confide. There is the fear of God and the fear of a Judas. Too much fear makes one labour without love, and too much confidence prevents from considering the danger which we must overcome'

'Stop entertaining those vain fears. Remember it is not feeling which constitutes guilt but the consent to such feelings. Only the free will is capable of good or evil. But when the will sighs under the trial of the tempter and does not will what is presented to it, there is not only no fault but there is virtue'

If certain thoughts bother you, it is devil who causes you to worry, and not God, Who, being the spirit of peace, grants you tranquility'

'Guard against anxiety and uneasiness because there is nothing which more greatly impedes perfection'

'Come out of anxiety, because it is one of the greatest deceivers of true virtue and sound devotion'

'Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer'

#padrepio #fear #worry