Ecce Verbum
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"The young man's guide : counsels, reflections, and prayers for Catholic young men"

by Lasance, F. X. (Francis Xavier), 1860-1946; Muff, Colestin

St. Zélie describing her husband, Louis Martin :
( parents of St. Therèse of Lisieux)

"He was a sensitive and supportive husband and father, full of passion with a wide range of emotions. He was playful and humorous , always patient and understanding of the needs of his wife and children."

"He was a man who took charge, lending his support and strength in different situations."

"He was a devoted family man to his wife and children as well as Zélie's family, whom he embraced as his own."

"He was a full partner in parenting their children, constantly present and sensitive to their needs."

"He was an astute businessman, who held a significant financial stock portfolio. In addition, he speculated in real estate, with several real estate holdings. All resulting in a man who retired at an early age due to his financial success, establishing his family's financial security while consistently donating a substantial portion to many charities, among those that supported the poor and the foreign missions."

"Louis and his friends were part of a Catholic Circle and the Conferences of Saint Vincent de Paul, as well as the Nocturnal Eucharistic Adoration. This group of
men lived balanced lives, working together in the lay Catholic apostolate to render Christ present, socialising and supporting each other, as well as praying together."

•"The Catholic Circle" supported one another in charitable work and met for prayer and worship in the chapel of Notre Dame de Lorette. Nearby they played billiards, at which Louis excelled.

"He was a man who lived in the world, but was totally immersed in Christ."

•Louis made the decision to send their two older daughters (Pauline and Marie) to boarding school to relieve Zélie of the enormous stress that she was experiencing.
He gave up his artisanal business, giving up his artistic expression, the many years of study in Rennes, Strasbourg and Paris to help Zélie in her lace business, and he became a businessman representing her company in Paris, buying supplies to make lace and selling her artistic work in stores and to private clients.

•He willingly offered each of his daughters to Christ as religious, leaving him without the support he had envisioned and desperately needed in his old age.

#marriage #men
The definition of a Catholic gentleman
St. John Henry Newman

-He never speaks of himself, except when compelled
-Never defends himself by a mere retort
-He has no ears for slander or gossip
-He is scrupulous in imputing motives to those who interfere with him
-He interprets everything for the best
-He is never mean or little in his disputes
-Never takes unfair advantage
-Never mistakes personalities or sharp sayings for arguments or insinuates evil which he dare not say out
-From a long-sighted prudence, he observes the maxim of the ancient sage, that we should ever conduct ourselves towards our enemy as if he were one day to be our friend.
-He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults
-He is too well employed to remember injuries and too indolent to bear malice
-He is patient, forbearing and resigned, on philosophical principles; he submits to pain, because it is inevitable, to bereavement, because it is irreparable, and to death, because it is his destiny

link to the book

Men are often called intelligent wrongly. Intelligent men are not those who are erudite in the sayings and books of the wise men of old, but those who have an intelligent soul and can discriminate between good and evil. They avoid what is sinful and harms the soul; and with deep gratitude to God they resolutely adhere by dint of practice to what is good and benefits the soul. These men alone should truly be called intelligent.”

St. Anthony The Great

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"The Spiritual Letters to Men"

by François de Salignac Fenelon, 1880

-To One living in the World who was seeking Conversion
-To a Gentleman, concerning a real Conversion
-To One irresolute in his Conversion
-The Difficulties of a Man of the World
-To an Officer
-On Meditation
-On Habitual Recollection
-On Ruling a Household
-On Judging Others
-On the Danger of Self-confidence
-On Patience with Others
-To One in Sickness
-Rules for a Christian Life
-On Pride
-To One who had recently turned to God
-Counsels to a Gentleman
-Danger of Self-indulgence
-To One in Trouble
-Peace in Suffering
-To a Young Man. On the Dangers of an Easy Disposition
-On Living to Christ
-How to bear Crosses
-Laying aside Worldly Things
-The Inward Cross
-On Intellectual Dangers
-Watchfulness over Natural Temperament
-Patience in contemplating One's own Faults
-Self-love contrasted with the Love of God
-Conscious Weakness a Source of Humility
-On Sensible Fervour
-To One living in Solitude

#men #spirituallife
"And to the women I say, go to the one that has both knowledge and conscience, one of those who know excellently how to discern that which ought to be done. Choose one who is good, not anyone, whatever he may be, no! For sometimes you will go to the one who has a carnal mind, and is not instructed, and who will say to you that for the sake of pleasure you should dress in a scandalous way or beautify yourself in a scandalous fashion for him, and to deck yourself out with ornaments to please him. Out upon him! For he is a beast. Do as I say: go to a man of conscience and learning, who is good, who will like your natural complexion and will not wish to add anything to that beauty which God has already fashioned you with."

"..Moreover, each should seek above all for goodness [in his spouse], and then for other advantages; but goodness first, goodness first of all."

St. Bernardino of Siena

#marriage #men
"Man and Woman"
by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

"In human love there are two poles: man and woman. In Divine love there are two poles: God and man. From this difference, finite in the first instance, infinite in the second, arise the major tensions of life. The difference in the God-man relationship between Eastern religions and Christianity is that in the East man moves toward God; in Christianity, God moves first toward man. The Eastern way fails because man cannot lift himself by his own bootstraps. Grass does not become a banana, through its own efforts. If carbon and phosphates are to live in man, man must come down to them, and elevate them to himself. So if man is to share the Divine Nature, God must come down to man. This is the Incarnation.

The first difference in the man-woman relationship can be understood in terms of a philosophical distinction between intelligence and reason which St. Thomas Aquinas makes, and which has saved his followers from falling into errors like those of Henri Bergson. Intelligence is higher than reason. The Angels have intelligence, but they have no reason. Intelligence is immediacy of understanding and, in the domain of knowledge, is best explained in terms of "seeing." When a man says, "I see," he means that he grasps and comprehends. Reason, however, is slower. It is mediate, rather than immediate. It makes no leap, but takes steps. These steps in a reasoning process are threefold: major, minor, conclusion.

Applying the distinction to man and woman, it is generally true that man's nature is more rational and woman's, more intellectual. The latter is what is generally meant by intuition. The woman is slower to love, because love, for her, must be surrounded by a totality of sentiments, affections, and guarantees. The man is more impulsive, wanting pleasures and satisfactions, sometimes outside of their due relationship. For the woman, there must be a vital bond of relationship between herself and the one she loves. The man is more on the periphery and rim, and does not see her whole personality involved in his pleasures. The woman wants unity, the man, pleasure.

A second difference is between reigning and governing. The man governs the home, but the woman reigns. Government is related to justice; reigning is related to love. Instead of man and woman being opposites, in the sense of contraries, they more properly complement one another as their Creator intended when He said: "It is not good for man to be alone."'

"The man is normally more serene than the woman, more absorbent of the daily shocks of life, less disturbed by trifles. But, on the other hand, in great crises of life, it is the woman who, because of her gentle power of reigning, can give great consolation to man in his troubles."

"The Book of Genesis reveals that Original Sin did create a tension between man and woman, which tension is solved in principle by man and woman in the New Testament becoming "one flesh" and a symbol of the unity of Christ and His Church. This harmony, then, should exist between man and woman, in which each fills up, at the store of the other, his or her lacking measure in quiet and motion."

Full text:

"The World's First Love" by F. Sheen pdf

#women #men #fultonsheen
Ecce Verbum
"Man and Woman" by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen "In human love there are two poles: man and woman. In Divine love there are two poles: God and man. From this difference, finite in the first instance, infinite in the second, arise the major tensions of life. The…
"Defending the honor and reputation of the Mother of God"- on dignity of women

Rick Salbato "
The Publican", Vol2, no8; 1999

Excerpts p.1

God put Adam in a deep sleep and then opened the side of Adam to bring out Eve. God created Eve out of the rib of Adam. And God has created nothing on His own since. The last thing that God created without the co-operation of the natural process was woman. In the same way God would create the Church out of the side of Christ.

A woman is the tabernacle of creation. God and woman work together to create something in the image and likeness of God that can never die. Only woman can create with God. Only woman, not even angels, can give to God a living soul. Only woman shares creative power with God. Only woman shares in the creative suffering that Christ suffered. Woman is sacred to God, and therefore, could never be a servant as man is. Woman is sacred and therefore must be treated as sacred. She must be dressed holy, and honored, and respected, and waited on, just as anything holy.
Not even the angels can do what woman can do, create a living soul. And this is what Scripture means by “because of the angels”. Everything about women sounds out as God’s greatest creation.

Yes! Man was placed over the woman to be her authority. Sometimes I think it was because God didn’t give man anything else, so he gave him the one thing he could give, which is authority. But then Christ answered that when he washed the feet of the apostles. As I have done, so you do. He who is the greatest of authority is the servant of the rest. Man is in authority so that he can be the servant of the family. It is man’s job, just as the High Priest, to protect the woman and the children. He must provide for them, protect them from danger. Honor them with the best he can provide. Woman must be left alone to socialize the children and the man, and therefore the world.

A family is like a box of diamonds. The man is the box that holds everything together. The woman and children are the diamonds. When the box lets go, the diamonds scatter. When the woman wants to be the box, you end up with two empty boxes. Scripture counted boxes and not the diamonds, because God loves the family unit.

Woman is to be subject to her husband for the same reason soldiers must be subject to their captain. He must have that authority in order to protect the lives of his
men. So too, must a man have that authority to protect his family. Man must love is wife like Christ loves his Church, and this is a great mystery, I mean in reference to the Church. What does Paul mean as a great mystery. When God reached into the heart of Adam and pulled out God’s greatest creation, He was for-shadowing when He would reach into the heart of Christ as He also slept, and bring forth the Church. Men must love and protect and reverence women in the same way that Christ loves his Church, which came forth from His own Heart.

The Forth Commandment demands that we obey all authority in all things except sin, for all authority comes from God, even bad authority. So teaches the Church. In the family we must look to the greatest of all families for guidance. The least in the family, Joseph, was the greatest in authority. The greatest, Christ (God) was the least in authority. Mary who was the greatest of all creation and would be Queen of Heaven and Earth, obeyed Joseph in all things. Then let us consider the example Christ gave us regarding obeying our mother.

Mary came to Christ and said, “Son, they have no wine.” His answer in Greek is the whole mystery of women. In the Greek it reads “What is that between you and I, woman.” Or in modern English it would read, “What is that between our agreement.”

In other words, back 18 years earlier, Mary said to Christ something like this, even if not in words, “Son! You always obey your own commandments as an example to others. I wish to hold you to the Forth Commandment and not go about Your Father’s business until I give you permission.”


#women #men
Ecce Verbum
"Defending the honor and reputation of the Mother of God"- on dignity of women Rick Salbato "The Publican", Vol2, no8; 1999 Excerpts p.1 God put Adam in a deep sleep and then opened the side of Adam to bring out Eve. God created Eve out of the rib of Adam.…
Defending the honor and reputation of the Mother of God -on dignity of women
Rick Salbato "The Publican
"; Vol2, no8; 1999

Excerpts p.2

18 years later, Christ is saying to His Mother, “Are you now giving Me permission to go about My Father’s business. With tears in Her Eyes, She knew that She could not hold him back any longer. “Do whatever He asks of you.” Christ changed the water to wine and started His Father’s business.

He could not come into the world without Mary saying, “Yes!” to the angel. Without Her “Yes!” we could not be saved. Without Her, “Do whatever He asks of you.” we could not be saved

You young
men, hold a woman in awe. When you look at women, look with respect and even envy, knowing that you were given the commandment to care for them. Know this also, that before you were created God knew you, and if He meant for you to be married, He picked your wife for you before you were born. If you have an affair with a woman, you are not only committing a sacrilege against God’s tabernacle of creation, but you are committing adultery against the wife you have not met yet. You would be wise to say to your future wife:

" I have been loyal to you all my life, even before I met you, because I knew that God chose you for me. I have loved you even before I met you and will all the days of my life."

You husbands, remember St. Joseph. He was the first in authority but the last before the eyes of God and in grace. St. Joseph was picked to protect and care for the diamonds. You should treat your wives with respect and even awe. Provide for them, protect them, never let even the children give them any disrespect. Stand up when they come into the room. Wait on them at the dinner table. Make sure they have all they need to do what they do best, socialize the world.
Men could never socialize the world.  Women are social, we are animal. They are loving, we are fighters; and we should be, for that is how we protect the diamonds.

Woman has no seed, but in Genesis 3:15 God said, “I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed.” The Devil has no seed and the woman has no seed. Man has the seed. But in this case God produced Christ without the use of man, and therefore all of the Son of God came from Mary without the help of man. Mary’s children are those who keep the commandments of Her Son, and Satan’s seed are those who brake the commandments of Her Son. One of those commandments is to Honor (kabed) your Father and Mother. This type of honor, unlike hadar, is reserved for God and Father and Mother only. It means to reverence, venerate and revere. We must treat our wives and mothers with the same reverence we would treat God face to face, or the way we would treat the Holy Grail that held the blood of Christ, for women are the holy grails of creation.


#women #men
Ecce Verbum
theology_of_the_body (1).pdf
Communio personarum as God's plan for man and woman and its distortion by original sin

"Recent years have seen new approaches to women's issues. A first tendency is to emphasize strongly conditions of subordination in order to give rise to antagonism: women, in order to be themselves, must make themselves the adversaries of men. Faced with the abuse of power, the answer for women is to seek power. This process leads to opposition between men and women, in which the identity and role of one are emphasized to the disadvantage of the other, leading to harmful confusion regarding the human person, which has its most immediate and lethal effects in the structure of the family."

"From the very beginning humanity is described as articulated in the male-female relationship. This is the humanity, sexually differentiated, which is explicitly declared “the image of God”.(Gn1:27)

"With regard to this text from Genesis, “...woman is another ‘I' in a common humanity. From the very beginning they appear as a ‘unity of the two', and this signifies that the original solitude is overcome."

"The Hebrew word ezer which is translated as “helpmate” indicates the assistance which only a person can render to another. It carries no implication of inferiority or exploitation if we remember that God too is at times called ezer with regard to human beings (cf. Ex 18:4; Ps10:14)."

“In the ‘unity of the two', man and woman are called from the beginning not only to exist ‘side by side' or ‘together', but they are also called to exist mutually ‘one for the other"

"Although God's original plan for man and woman will later be upset and darkened by sin, it can never be abrogated."

"When humanity considers God its enemy, the relationship between man and woman becomes distorted."

"God's decisive words to the woman after the first sin express the kind of relationship which has now been introduced between man and woman: “your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (Gn 3:16). It will be a relationship in which love will frequently be debased into pure self-seeking, in a relationship which ignores and kills love and replaces it with the yoke of domination of one sex over the other. Indeed the story of humanity is continuously marked by this situation, which recalls the three-fold concupiscence mentioned by Saint John: the concupiscence of the flesh, the concupiscence of the eyes and the pride of life (cf. 1 Jn 2:16). In this tragic situation, the equality, respect and love that are required in the relationship of man and woman according to God's original plan, are lost. It follows then that the relationship is good, but wounded and in need of healing."

"Above all, the fact that human beings are persons needs to be underscored: “Man is a person, man and woman equally so, since both were created in the image and likeness of the personal God”.Their equal dignity as persons is realized as physical, psychological and ontological complementarity, giving rise to a harmonious relationship of “uni-duality”, which only sin and “the structures of sin” inscribed in culture render potentially conflictual. The biblical vision of the human person suggests that problems related to sexual difference, whether on the public or private level, should be addressed by a relational approach and not by competition or retaliation."

Letter of Benedict XVI on the collaboration between men and women in the Church and in the world

#women #men
Ecce Verbum
Observe Aristotle on the Magnanimous Man: “he therefore to whom even honour is a small thing will be indifferent to other things as well... haughty towards men of position and fortune, but courteous towards those of moderate station... He will not compete…
The example of the Father
Zygmunt Krasiński, a poet

"I ask you to pay attention to every word I say here, to remember that your fate and the fate of other hearts, maternal and paternal hearts, depend on it. Remember that if you do not control and temper your bad inclinations, you can never do your country any service. You do not know what life is like, what external distractions and obstacles there are! If, apart from these, there is still an eternal obstacle within your own breast, where can you think of removing the others?

Get used, I beseech you, to exemplary kindness with women. You're missing out on it; it's neither Polish, nor Christian, chivalrous, nor noble. Politeness, on the other hand, is the first sign of a brave knight. Whenever you are tempted to rudeness, remember that the Mother of the Saviour of the world, now reigning in the heavens, was a woman and that your own mother is a woman. Let the first of these memories stand to your right, the second to your left, and let two musical chords of angelic sweetness tune your heart from a hard tone to a tone of gentleness and charity, always and everywhere.

My dear boy, I beseech Thee, keep my words in Thy memory, for in them Thy goodness, for in them Thy nobility, for in them is the love that
men have for Thee, for in them is everything that Thou alone canst make beautiful one day, and everything that Thou alone canst make auspicious or salutary!

Letter to his son Władysław, August 1858

* Raising a boy to be a man is a paternal responsibility. Masculinity has clearly defined qualities, which many fathers today forget, so that their sons can never really grow up and therefore are unable, when the time comes, to be responsible husbands and fathers. Masculinity is shaped in the ability to control the sphere of feelings, especially feelings of fear and lust. Masculinity is also a subtle respect for every woman along the lines of respect for the Mother of God and the birth mother. Faith, Scripture and the lives of the Saints give us the best examples.

#fatherhood #men
Ecce Verbum
The example of the Father Zygmunt Krasiński, a poet "I ask you to pay attention to every word I say here, to remember that your fate and the fate of other hearts, maternal and paternal hearts, depend on it. Remember that if you do not control and temper your…
Reflections on the Decline of Masculinity
Dr. John C. Rao

"The Vikings indulged a passion for blood that far surpassed anything that the Germans ever experienced. They reveled in their annual excursions to a terrified Europe, their looting and burning of monasteries, and their destruction of the pitiful remnants of order on the Continent. So much was the warrior the only valuable member of Viking society that his widow was herself put to death when he met his end.

Did the Church seek to destroy the Germanic and Viking spirit root-and-branch? Not at all. It simply sought to transform it into the spirit of Christian knighthood. Gradually, over the course of centuries, it began to succeed in this end. The ceremony admitting a man into the ranks of the warrior nobility was no longer, as it once had been, a mere slap administered by a chieftain on the battlefield. Instead, it was enveloped in religious language and ritual, designed to emphasize the soldier’s duty to uphold the law of Christ. The idea of chivalry changed under Christian pressure, and came to mean more than simply the life of a horseman. It began to signify the life of a Christian gentleman, a man who not only kept his word to his lord, but also protected the Church, the poor, and the defenseless, and who exhibited a new reverence and respect for women, while fighting only for the noblest of causes. True, chivalry also came to mean many worldly concerns of which the Church might disapprove. This was due to the fact that ther influences, like the notion of courtly love, were also at work in shaping it. Still, none of these influences defended the earlier barbarian ideal."

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