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St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori - The History of Heresies and Their Refutation

'Photius promised everything, and was accordingly consecrated, but by the very same Gregory, and took possession of the See. Six months had not yet passed over, since his consecration, and he had broken all his oaths and promises; he persecuted St. Ignatius, and all the ecclesiastics who adhered to him; he even got some of them flogged, and by promises and threats induced several to sign documents, intended for the ruin of his sainted predecessors. Not being able to accomplish his design, he laid a plot, with the assistance of Bardas, that the Emperor should send persons to take information, to prove that St. Ignatius was privately conspiring against the state

#heresies #apologetics
tostartyouthinking (1).pdf
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To Start You Thinking
by Fr. Herbert H. J. Crees

Apologetic booklet addressed to potential Catholic converts.

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"The Principles of Catholic Apologetics"

Authors: Walshe, Fr. T. J. & Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald, O.P.

A study of modernism based chiefly on the Lectures of Pére Garrigou- Legrange, O.P.
" De Revelatione per Ecclesiam Catholicam proposita

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"The Principles of Catholic Apologetics", 1929

A study of Modernism based chiefly on the Lectures of Pére Garrivou-Lagrange, O.P. "Dr Revelations per Ecclesiam Catholic proposita" adapted and re-arranged.

By Rev. T.J. Walshe, M.A

01.06 - Saint Justin

He was born in Palestine around the year 100. He was well educated and became a professor of philosophy. He was interested in the meaning of life and why the world and people exist. He studied and taught about the great philosophers of his day, but nothing made sense to him until he followed the advice of a wise man who told him to study the Old Testament, especially the writings of the prophets who foretold the coming of Christ. Justin began to learn about Jesus's teachings, he was baptized and became the first Christian philosopher. He opened a school of Christian studies. He used the teachings of the Apostles that the Christian community shared with one another orally because the New Testament had not yet been written. He also relied on the example of the martyrs. He was arrested for being a Christian during the persecution that occured under Marcus Aurelius . He refused to offer a sacrifice to the pagan gods worhippe by the Romans and was executed around the year 165 with six other Christians. We owe Justin a great debt for being the first person to write about why and how the Christian community worhipped and his works help us to understand the early Church. We can ask St. Justin in prayer to help us to believe and live the truths of our faith.

#apologetics #saints #june
"The Nature and Value of Apologetics"

the nature and value of apologetics.pdf
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The nature and value of
Fr. Laux

In order to profit by the study of Apologetics, we must approach it in the right spirit—the spirit of humility; for if there is a God, the attitude of our soul towards Him must necessarily be the humble petition: "Lord, that I may see." And we must purge our hearts from the dominion of the passions, for only the pure of heart shall see God—in this life as well as in the next.

5. The student of
Apologetics should heed the admonition of St. Augustine: "We must not want to solve all the difficulties against the Faith before we believe, in order that our life may not come to an end without faith. Simple faith gives us an ever deeper understanding of the things of faith. By faith we subject ourselves to God. If we subject ourselves to God, we shall live right; if we live right, our heart becomes pure; and if our heart is pure, we shall see the truth of what we believe."

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The Last Superstition. A Refutation of the New Atheism
Edward Feser

The central contention of the "New Atheism" of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens is that there has for several centuries been a war between science and religion, that religion has been steadily losing that war, and that at this point in human history a completely secular scientific account of the world has been worked out in such thorough and convincing detail that there is no longer any reason why a rational and educated person should find the claims of any religion the least bit worthy of attention.

But as Edward Feser argues inThe Last Superstition, in fact there is not, and never has been, any war between science and religion at all.

The modern, atheistic picture of the world has never been established by science, and cannot be, for it is not a scientific theory in the first place but merely a philosophical interpretation of science. 

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