LET'S SPEAK English Club
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LET'S SPEAK English Club helps guys who are hungry for English practice to improve their speaking skills by exchanging experiences and interactive activities.
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☃️ The last event of LET'S SPEAK English Club in 2021 will take place in a few days.

The meetup will be devoted to the Christmas traditions in other countries, so join us on December 28 at 18:30 to absorb this magic atmosphere 🍊


❄️ Warm-up
❄️ Discussing Christmas Traditions
❄️ Sharing New Year's Plans

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a Zoom link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️
⛄️ Dear friends,

Before the New Year arrives and life takes on a million waves of happiness and joy, we want to THANK YOU for being with us and sharing your positive vibes at every event of LET'S SPEAK English Club 💜

🎄Let 2022 be the year you seek progress rather than perfection and enjoy every victory you win along the way to your goals. Happy New Year ⭐️

👀 We invite you to celebrate the New Year together in an informal atmosphere. You can find the link to the secret chat on the LET'S SPEAK community page in the vocabularies. Explore the element on the bookshelf 👌

💭 List of funny double words in English

🔹 Chock-a-block – битком набитый
🔹 Chick-flick – фильм о девушках
🔹 Eency-weency (incy-wincy) – крошечный
🔹 Fuddy-duddy – человек с отсталыми взглядами
🔹 Fuzzy-wuzzy – кудрявый
🔹 Hanky-panky – мошенничество, проделки
🔹 Harum-scarum – легкомысленный
🔹 Heebie-jeebies – мурашки по коже; мандраж
🔹 Helter-skelter – неразбериха; как попало, кое-как
🔹 Higgledy-piggledy – как придётся, в беспорядке, кое-как
🔹 Hob-nob дружеская – беседа, разговор по душам
🔹 Hocus-pocus – фокус-покус
🔹 Hodge-podge – мешанина, всякая всячина
🔹 Hoity-toity – задаваться: Oh hoity-toity, are we? - Ну конечно, где уж нам!
🔹 Hokey-pokey – фокус-покус; мошенничество
🔹 Hubble-bubble – бульканье, журчанье; шум, гам; гул
🔹 Hugger-mugger – беспорядок, неразбериха
🔹 Hurly-burly – волнение, переполох
🔹 Itsy-bitsy/itty-bitty – крошечный
🔹 Jeepers-creepers – черт возьми!
🔹 Lardy-dardy – фифа
🔹 Lovey-dovey – влюблённый, томящийся от любви
🔹 Mumbo-jumbo – бессмысленное бормотание, бессмысленный текст
🔹 Namby-pamby – сентиментальный; жеманный
🔹 Nitty-gritty - практически важный; будничный, но жизненно необходимый
🔹 Okey-dokey – OK
🔹 Pell-mell – беспорядочно, как придётся; очертя голову
🔹 Raggle-taggle – плохо организованный; разнородный, разношёрстный
🔹 Razzle-dazzle – кутёж; мошенничество; броская реклама
🔹 Shilly-shally – нерешительно, неуверенно
🔹 Teenie-weenie – крохотный
🔹 Topsy-turvy – вверх дном, шиворот-навыворот
🔹 Willy-nilly – волей-неволей

Thanks for this list to our student-enthusiast Dmitry ⭐️

Some time ago, we had an event where we participated in a Bl!tz Qu!z ⭐️ As all the participants left quite positive feedback regarding this activity, we want to share it with all of you.

Follow the links below and check your knowledge in different spheres ⬇️

Sprint #1 – General questions
Sprint #2 – Media expert
Sprint #3 – Logo vs. advertising

🙌 You can find the correct options for the sprints after the submitting of your forms. Here you can see even more extended answers for the 2-3 sprints.

Good luck 😉

⭐️ We're coming back from the winter vacation with a new event devoted to SHOPPING.

Whether you like it or not, it's what we all need to do from time to time. And even for some people, shopping is more than just a necessity, it's the most enjoyable part of their lives. So it seems that we have a lot to discuss 😉


🔹 Exploring Phrasal Verbs
🔹 Creating Shopping Stories
🔹 Discussing Various Topics

Our meetup will take place on January 27 at 18:30.

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a Zoom link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

Check our new vocabulary from the previous event devoted to SHOPPING. Learn new words, revise already familiar ones, and improve your speech so that you will be able to enjoy excellent shopping in English 👌

👗 It is typical to hear about Fashion every day. You may watch it on YouTube, read it from magazines, or hear someone you know talk about it. While different people give different importance to Fashion, it is normal to be engaged in a conversation that covers it.

And you've probably already guessed that this week we're going to have an event devoted to this very topic 👀


🔹 Playing Kahoot
🔹 Exploring Fashion Components
🔹 Discussing Various Topics

Our meetup will take place on February 10 at 18:30.

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a Zoom link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️
Forwarded from Dmitry Strunewsky
😍 Romantic vocabulary

❤️ Be gone on - быть увлечённым, влюбиться по уши

(I knew he was awfully gone on you - Я знала, что он ужасно на тебя запал)

❤️ Potty about - проявляющий большой интерес, без ума

(She's potty about you — Она по тебе с ума сходит)

❤️ Match made in Heaven - идеальная пара

(I’m sure that we are a match made in heaven - Я уверен, что мы - идеальная пара)

❤️ Carry a torch for somebody - страдать от безответной любви, испытывать к человеку глубокие

(My parents still carry a torch for each other after all these years - Мои родители все еще испытывают нежные чувства друг к другу спустя столько лет)

❤️ Heart-to-heart - откровенно, интимно, разговор по душам

(Honey, I miss our heart-to-hearts - Дорогая, я скучаю по нашим сердечным беседам)

❤️ Take a shine to somebody - почувствовать симпатию к кому-либо

(That guy has definitely taken a bit of a shine to you - Ты определенно понравилась этому парню)

❤️ Kiss and make up - простить, помириться

(Why don't we just kiss and make up? - Почему бы нам просто взять и не помириться?)

❤️ To tie the knot - выйти замуж; жениться

(Did you know that he had tied the knot? - Вы знали, что он связал себя узами брака?)

❤️ XOXO - целую-обнимаю, "чмоки"

(I'll talk to you later, xoxo — Позже поболтаю с тобой. Чмоки!)

❤️ I cherish you - Я люблю тебя очень нежно

(I promise to love and cherish you each day - Я клянусь любить и лелеять тебя каждый день)

🎨 Art is everywhere. Without art, it is difficult to see and appreciate anything beautiful. Art is an important way of translating one’s emotions and feelings. It is a therapy for people who feel bored, depressed, or lack any meaning in life.

We invite to join us on March 31 at 18:30 to discuss visual arts in all details using English 🇬🇧


🔹 Exploring the vocabulary
🔹 Describing pictures
🔹 Talking about art

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a Zoom link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

Feel free to explore our new vibrant vocabulary. The words from it will help you describe any pieces of art, name painting tools and express your preferences in art.

Well, well, well... This week we're going to speak about Well-being 🙌

Do you want to spend time in a group of like-minded people and improve your English? Join us on April 14 at 18:30 👋


🔹 Defining Well-being
🔹 Watching the video
🔹 Exploring Vocabulary

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a Zoom link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

At our previous event, we watched the video about the principles of living a long life filmed but CNN. It describes the common lifestyle features of people in Blue Zones, including why they live longer 🌍

🤓 The language used there wasn't the easiest, so we've picked some very nice words from it so that you could expand your vocabulary on this topic.

Follow the link and explore 👍

🤩 Our community enthusiast Dmitry created a special app for LET'S SPEAK English Club. There he collected all our vocabularies from the past events in one place: words & their translations.

You can use a filter for quick search of a topic or a word, also there are links to both our channels on Telegram.

You can find the app via this link. Enjoy 💜

Everybody wants to be healthy and active. But in spite of that, a lot of people nowadays have different illnesses and other health problems. Let's gather this week and discuss everything connected to health 💪


🔹 Exploring vocabulary
🔹 Listening to audio
🔹 Talking about health

Our meetup will take place on April 27 at 18:00.

If you're ready to participate in all activities and bravely communicate with other guys, please click REGISTER on our community page. If you are a newcomer, you need to join us first.

📌 We'll send an invitation email with a Zoom link to the first 30 people one day before the event. The recommended English level for participation is A2-B1.

Feel free to ask your questions in our cozy chat ⭐️

During our meeting about health we discussed the options of how to say that you have an ache or something hurts you. We gathered the basic vocabulary for being able to explain yourself ⭐️
Hello dearest community members 🤗

We have a bad and a good piece of news for you today. From which to start, hm?

Well, the bad one is that there was no meeting last week and will be no meeting this week too, unfortunately (P.S. Believe us we are also very sad about it 😢).

The good one is that we are introducing a new section to our community channel – #LETsSpeak_NativeVSyou 🥳 Here is the first bunch of phrases, have a look, remember and advance your casual speech.

React if you like it, use it in our cozy chat, and we are looking forward to catching up!

Break a leg 😉