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Why is it so difficult to get the score you need in IELTS?

IELTS is a formal qualification, but it is much more than just a piece of paper. The right score acts as a key that can open the door to a new life. For those who do not achieve their target, the test represents a closed door blocking their way. IELTS has this power because many government bodies and universities rely on it as an accurate measure of English language. A high-level certificate tells the world that you have enough English to successfully study at university, or to work in a high-level professional capacity. This is why it is so important that the test is valid, fair, and reliable.
Clearly, if the test was easier, it would not have the status or value it currently has. If we could make gold easily, it would no longer be highly valued. Similarly, if everyone could quickly achieve band 7,
the certificate would no longer open the doors you would like it to open.

#motivation #useful #get7
