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Recently, we have started to post a "register" posts, what does it mean?!🤔
The words, style, and grammar used by speakers and writers in a particular situation or in a particular type of writing✏️
formal/informal register
letters written in a formal
#register #writing #useful
In everyday British English, people usually say have got something rather than have something, but in writing they usually prefer to use just have

He’s got a degree from Bristol University. (spoken, everyday)
He has all the relevant qualifications. (written)

#register #writing #useful
According to somebody

used when saying what other people, organizations, reports etc have said: 
According to the researchers, ‘some patients tended to see their illness as a punishment’.

Locally-grown food can be
better for the environment than organic food, according to a report published yesterday.

Don’t say ‘according to me’ or ‘according to my opinion’. You can only use “according to” when saying what other people, reports etc have said.
#writing #useful #register
Register | GRAMMAR @Ielts_8
⚫️ "May" is not used in questions about possible events or situations.
Use "Might" instead.

⚪️ E.g Might there be problems?

⚫️ To say that it is possible that something happened, you can use "may have" or "might have"

⚪️ E.g She may have been executed.
He might have been misquoted.

⚫️ If something was possible, but did not in fact happen, you can use might have but not "may have"

⚪️ Had I been more Perceptive, I might have noticed that she was not happy.
#grammar #register
Register | @IELTS_8 🕸

Seldom sounds rather literary. In everyday English, people usually say "rarely"  or "not very often" :

I seldom go there. 
I don’t go there very often.
