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In North Las Vegas, a woman, under the influence of alcohol and cocaine, fatally hit a drunk driver under the influence of methamphetamine

Cocaine, cannabinoids and alcohol were found in her blood. She also had a bag of cocaine on her.
And in the body of the deceased, the level of alcohol was three times higher than the norm, while it contained a huge amount of methamphetamine.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Combo

In the 1960s, NASA did an experiment. The idea was for a human to live with a dolphin for as long as possible. During this, scientists had to study the mental abilities of the mammal. Margaret Howe Lovatt volunteered. She lived with Peter (Dolphin's nickname) for 10 weeks in a partially flooded two-room apartment. The two constantly interacted - eating together, sleeping together or playing. 2 weeks after the start of the experiment, they became attached to each other, but there were no encouraging results. So the dolphin was given LSD to stimulate its brain. But the effect was unexpected. The dolphin began to show signs of attention to Margaret by demonstrating his genitals. And at some point the woman began to reciprocate. And then it was decided to close the project, and separate the couple forever. Peter stopped receiving drugs. He soon became depressed and died. Some say that his death was caused by a broken heart and that he actually committed suicide by stopping his breathing


The painting by the famous abstract artist hung upside down for 75 years.

This is the work of the Dutch artist Piet Mondrian called "New York I" (New York City I), written in 1941. It was first exhibited at the New York Museum of Modern Art in 1945, but in 1980 it was moved to the Düsseldorf Art Gallery. But only now it turned out that she hung upside down for the last 75 years. On the left - the way it hung all this time. On the right - how it should hang. See this huge difference?

In Los Angeles, at a Tchaikovsky concert, a woman experienced a loud orgasm during the performance of the 5th symphony

Everyone in the audience turned to this sound, even the musicians. Some of the audience later called it "an expression of undisguised admiration for music."

She can be sincerely understood.


In a Polish shopping center, a man pretended to be a mannequin and robbed stores.

According to surveillance cameras, a 22-year-old resident of Warsaw stood at the window of one of the boutiques with a package in his hands, and stood motionless until the shopping center closed.

When he realized that no one was there, he robbed a jewelry kiosk, ate at one of the restaurants, snuck into a brand store and changed into new clothes, and then ate and drank again at another restaurant.

The man is now accused of burglary.

One can only envy his genius