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Evening address of Volodymyr #Zelensky:

Currently, there are enough reports in the mass media that #Mariupol is preparing the scenery for an absolutely disgusting and absurd trial of Ukrainian defenders - our soldiers who are captives of the invaders.

No matter what the invaders think, no matter what they plan, the reaction of our state will be absolutely clear. If this despicable court takes place, if our people are brought into these settings in violation of all agreements and international rules... This will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible. Russia will cut itself off from the negotiations. There will be no more conversations. Our state has said everything.

Ukraine will not tolerate mockery of people about whom only one thing can be said: they are heroes of their Motherland and they defended the freedom of their people from invaders.

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#Zelensky published a video from a meeting with the President of Poland Andrzej Duda:

For the third time since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on our land, on an important day for all Ukrainians, I congratulate Andrzej Duda, a great friend of Ukraine, in Kyiv. Andrzej, your visit once again confirms that Ukrainians and Poles are truly brotherly nations. Thank you for your strong and constant support! 🇺🇦🇵🇱

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Crimea is Ukraine and after de-occupation it will become part of the EU, - Zelensky during the opening of the second Crimean summit

“Ukraine's restoration of control over Crimea will be a historic anti-war step in Europe. And this will return security and give justice... For Ukraine, Crimea is a part of our people, our society, a community of people to whom we guarantee freedom and return modernity. Crimea was and is Ukraine and after the de-occupation, together with our state, it will become part of the European Union, I am sure of this,” #Zelensky said.

He also noted that the degradation of the Russian Federation began with the capture of Crimea by it. And then many countries remained silent, which became one of the key reasons for Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. By the way, the Russian Federation fired 750 cruise missiles from the territory of Crimea.

In turn, Polish President Andrzej Duda announced a visit to Crimea after its return to Ukrainian control.

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Negotiations are out of the question in case of illegal trial of #Mariupol defenders, - Zelensky

“These are understandable human conditions. If our prisoners are treated exactly as you said, then this is not about "red lines". What kind of negotiations, what to talk about? This is the point. I have nothing to add,” #Zelensky said.

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Congratulation speech of Volodymyr #Zelensky on the Independence Day of Ukraine

We meet this day in different places. Someone is in trenches and dugouts, in tanks and APCs, at sea and in the air. Someone is fighting for independence on the front lines. Someone is on the road, in cars, trucks and trains. Someone fights for independence, delivering what is necessary to those on the front lines. And someone is on a smartphone or at a computer. And he or she also fights for independence - collecting funds so that those on the road have something to bring to those on the front lines.

We meet this day in different circumstances, conditions and even in different time zones, but with a single goal - preservation of independence and victory of Ukraine!

We have united.
Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!

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⚡️ Boris Johnson came to Ukraine and already met with Volodymyr Zelensky:

"I am glad to congratulate Boris Johnson, a great friend of Ukraine, on Independence Day.

Boris, thank you for the uncompromising support of our country from the first days of full-scale Russian aggression, for steadfastly defending the interests of Ukraine on the international arena!

Our country is lucky to have such a friend!" - #Zelensky wrote.

Boris Johnson announced the provision of a new large package of military aid to Ukraine worth 54 million pounds, which will include 850 microdrones
, — Office of the Head of the British Government

"What is happening in Ukraine is important for all of us. That is why I am in Kyiv today. That is why Great Britain will continue to support our Ukrainian friends. I believe that Ukraine can win this war," Johnson wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Volodymyr Zelensky and Boris Johnson are walking on the Maidan, looking at the exhibition of broken Russian equipment.

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The UN Security Council voted for the speech of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky at its meeting in video format.

This decision was supported by 13 states. Russia opposed and China abstained.

Representative of Russia Vasily Nebenzya explained his vote against by the fact that the Russian delegation "supports only the in-person participation of the Ukrainian president in the meeting of the Security Council."

❗️Meanwhile, the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine has already begun and #Zelensky is already speaking in video format:
“If Russia does not stop now, if Russia is not stopped now by the victory of Ukraine, then all these killers may eventually come to other countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America”.

🇺🇦 Ukraine Now.
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Volodymyr #Zelensky 's evening address:

It's almost night, our main day, Independence Day of Ukraine, is coming to an end. But our independence does not end and will never end. And there will be our 32nd Independence Day, and 33rd, and all the following ones, as long as time on earth lasts. Ukraine will live forever. And it will only get stronger every day.

Chaplyne is our pain today. As of this moment, there are 22 dead, five of them burned in the car, an 11-year-old teenager died, a Russian missile destroyed his house.
Search and rescue operations at the railway station will continue. We will definitely make the occupiers bear responsibility for everything they have done. And we will certainly drive the invaders out of our land.
Eternal memory to all those whose lives were taken by these invaders, these enemies.
Eternal glory to all our warriors! Glory to our people!
Glory to our Ukrainian strong world, our independence, our nation! Glory to all of you!
Glory to Ukraine!

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Zelensky spoke with US President Joe Biden

Mr. #Zelensky thanked him for his help and discussed further steps towards defeating Russia. The leaders of Ukraine and the United States also discussed the importance of holding the Russian Federation accountable for all war crimes.

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Evening address of Volodymyr #Zelensky:

Today, for the first time in history, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant stopped. The emergency protection of the power units worked - after the last working line of the plant's power return to the energy system of Ukraine was damaged as a result of Russian shelling.
Diesel generators were immediately activated to provide energy to the station itself, to support it after the shutdown. The world must understand what a threat this is: if the diesel generators did not turn on, if the automation and our station staff did not work after the blackout, then we would already be forced to overcome the consequences of the radiation accident. Russia has put Ukraine and all Europeans one step away from a radiation disaster.

The south of Ukraine - the occupied regions - is already in a state of humanitarian disaster. Russia has brought degradation to our land, the likes of which have never been seen here.

I want to assure all Ukrainians: we are doing everything to prevent an emergency scenario. But it depends not only on our state.

The key thing is that such international pressure is needed that will force the occupiers to immediately withdraw from the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. The IAEA and other international organizations must act much faster than now.
Every minute that the Russian military stays at the nuclear plant is a risk of a global radiation disaster.

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Volodymyr #Zelensky 's evening address:

The grain export initiative has been operating for almost a month, and during this time, the first million tonnes of foodstuff since February 24 were exported from our three seaports in Chornomorsk, Odesa and Pivdenny.

Ukrainian grain and the very fact that our supplies to the world food market has worked make it possible to prevent chaos on the market, reduce the severity of the food crisis, and prevent catastrophic shortages.

Ukraine was, is and will be among the guarantors of global food security.

This export not only supports the international subject status of Ukraine, but also provides jobs for our citizens – hundreds of thousands of jobs, provides income for Ukrainian companies and the state budget, and, very importantly, provides funds for planting next year.

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Norwegian conference of the largest energy companies.
Not for the first time, Mr. Zelensky emphasized that Europe's independence from Russia, particularly in energy, is of fundamental importance for all Europeans. And together with Ukraine, Europe is able to do much more than with Russia.

We don't want to look back and repeat who didn't hear us. But Ukraine wants us all not to lose the opportunities we have at this historical moment.

Only together can we protect Europe. Only by maintaining our maximum principle. And only by achieving victory in this war together. - #Zelensky

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War weariness is a big risk for the whole world - #Zelensky

“The real struggle of each country for independence is a difficult path. Now we can get victory for ourselves, for our children, grandchildren and for all generations of our peoples who fought for freedom before. I am sure that we will win,” the President of Ukraine said.

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Evening address of Volodymyr #Zelensky:

Anyone want to know what our plans are?

You won't hear specifics from any truly responsible person. Because this is war. And so - in the war.

But the invaders should know: we will drive them to the border. To our border, the line of which did not change. The invaders know it well.

If they want to survive, it is time for the Russian military to flee. Go home. If you are afraid to return to your home in Russia - well, let such occupiers surrender, and we will guarantee them compliance with all norms of the Geneva Conventions.

If they do not listen to me, they will deal with our defenders, who will not stop until they release everything that belongs to Ukraine.

And it is not something special. It's not something that supposedly started. We are talking about it for 187 days.

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The Armed Forces of our country, our special services, our intelligence are doing everything possible and impossible for every Russian military to necessarily feel the Ukrainian response to this horrible terror that Russia has brought to our land - #Zelensky

Throughout the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, from Crimea to the Kharkiv region, the Russian army does not have and will not have a single safe base, a single quiet place.
Our defenders will destroy all warehouses, headquarters of the occupiers, their equipment, wherever they are located. This is Ukrainian land, and the occupiers can do only two things - flee or surrender. We leave them no other options.

Also, I want to once again draw the attention of all our people in Crimea - please stay away from Russian military facilities, do not stay near Russian bases and military airfields, inform the special services of Ukraine of all the information you know about the occupiers, so that the liberation of Crimea can happen faster.

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"For us, the most dangerous iron is not rockets, planes, tanks, but shackles. Not trenches, but fetters.

And we will raise our hands up only once - when we celebrate our victory. All over Ukraine"
, - Volodymyr #Zelensky.

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Evening address of Volidymyr #Zelensky:

I held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. All relevant leaders were there: Zaluzhny, Monastyrskyi, Budanov, Maliuk, Danilov and others. I think it is obvious what issues we considered. The military reported on the situation on the frontline, on the development of the situation.
I will not reveal the details now. I will say only one thing: on behalf of our intelligence, I want to thank all our people who support us very strongly in the south of our country, and especially in Crimea. The intelligence officers are grateful for the information provided and will use it to the maximum.
Let the enemies not forget whose peninsula they are staying on. Temporarily staying.

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#Zelensky addressed Ukrainians on Knowledge Day:

Everyone starts this school year differently. Someone is far from home - in other regions of Ukraine. Someone is far from home - in other countries. Someone remotely, in an online format. Someone is at their home school or at their university, but still not at peace.

However, it is important that the school year begins. It is important that learning continues. And that knowledge about Ukraine is not interrupted.

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#Zelensky published photos of Ukrainian kindergartens, schools and universities damaged by the Russian invaders:

Dozens of universities, hundreds of schools and kindergartens throughout Ukraine were damaged and destroyed by the invaders. They sought to leave us without our past, history, culture, and knowledge. But they did not succeed.

We continue to live. We develop and develop ourselves, learn new things, study and become stronger. And most importantly, we are building our Ukrainian future. Free and independent.

🇺🇦 Ukraine Now
Evening address of Volidymyr #Zelensky:

Today, the IAEA mission arrived at Zaporizhzhia NPP. It's good that it happened. The fact itself despite all the provocations by the Russian military and the cynical shelling of Enerhodar and the territory of the plant. Ukraine did everything to make this mission happen. But it is bad that the occupiers are trying to turn this IAEA mission - a really necessary one - into a fruitless tour of the plant. I believe that this will be prevented.

When we met with Mr. Grossi and members of the mission in Kyiv, we agreed that the mission would be accompanied by journalists from Ukrainian and international media. Independent journalists. For the world to see the truth. To see what is really happening. Unfortunately, this wasn’t done. Although it was promised. Unfortunately, the occupiers did not let the journalists in, but organized a bunch of their propagandists. Unfortunately, the IAEA representatives did not protect the representatives of independent media.

We are hopeful that the mission will nevertheless draw objective conclusions from the circumstances at the plant. And the key thing that should happen is the demilitarization of the territory of the plant. This is exactly the goal of Ukrainian and international efforts. And it is bad that we have not yet heard the appropriate calls from the IAEA. Although we talked about it with Mr. Grossi at our meeting in Kyiv. This was the key - the key! - security point of our agreements. It was clearly stated: demilitarization and full control by Ukrainian nuclear specialists.

When the Russian military finally leave the territory of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, when they take away their weapons, ammunition, when they stop shelling Enerhodar and neighboring areas and cease their provocations, the Zaporizhzhia plant will be able to return to a completely safe functioning, which has always been the case under the control of Ukraine.

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