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359 children died as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine

As of the morning of August 5, more than 1,059 children suffered in Ukraine as a result of the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation - 359 children were killed and more than 700 were injured of varying severity.

🔹 On August 4, as a result of enemy shelling of public transport stops in the center of Toretsk, Donetsk region, three children aged 8 to 15 were injured.

🔹 It became known about the death of a 14-year-old boy as a result of shelling of #Mariupol, Donetsk region, at the beginning of the armed aggression.

🔹 Also, in the course of fixing the crimes committed by the occupiers in the territory of the Donetsk region, it became known that 4 more children were injured as a result of shelling.

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Every fourth patient dies in #Mariupol hospitals - Piotr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of the city

According to Andryushchenko, due to “normal” conditions for the Russian military, ordinary people are placed in the corridors. For lack of staff, they are actually left alone.

Insulin addicts have the hardest time there right now. An endocrinologist brought from Russia sees him only once a week on Thursday in one hospital. He "distributes" insulin in syringes.

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The invaders staged a rock concert on the ruins of #Azovstal in #Mariupol 😡

“For the final picture, it remains to wait for the performance in the ruined Drama Theater and the circle of cynical inhumanity can be considered closed,” wrote Petr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of the city.

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In Mariupol the invaders plan to hold public lynching of Ukrainian defenders

Now, on the stage of the #Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic Society, Russian invaders are assembling prison cells. The diameter of cell bars - 20 mm. The invaders are planning to hold a demonstration “trial” of the defenders of Ukraine in September.

“The Russian invaders continue to disregard all international norms. They continue to multiply war crimes, demonstrating disregard for the entire civilized world. I appeal to the world community, the UN and the Red Cross to intervene in the situation so that the rules for the treatment of military prisoners work. We must do everything to ensure that our defenders return to Ukraine alive and prevent a second Olenivka in Mariupol,” said the mayor Vadym Boychenko.

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Ukraine Now news: war, Russia
The leader of the so-called "DPR" confirmed the holding of a public trial of the captured defenders of "Azovstal"

He stated that a number of such "tribunals" were planned, but they decided to start from #Mariupol.

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In #Mariupol, the invaders use Ukrainian prisoners of war to exhume the bodies of the dead

Local residents report that now the bodies are being dug up on the Left Bank. The invaders attracted to this for the most part the prisoners who were previously at #Azovstal.

Our military is forced to take out bodies that have lain in the ground for several months without any means of protection and under the guns of armed ruscists.

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There was a video of the cages in which the Ukrainian military from the Azov regiment will be kept during the “tribunal” in Mariupol

“There is only one conclusion: they are afraid of the Azov alive in battle, in captivity, and even the dead,” Piotr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of #Mariupol, signed the video.

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The so-called "tribunal" over the Azov Regiment people is a test for the international community

Recently, Russian terrorists announced a pseudo-trial of Ukrainian prisoners of war in #Mariupol. Footage of cages built allegedly for a public process appeared on the network.

Ex-commander of Azov Maxim Zhorin says that this situation should be a test for international organizations that call themselves organizations protecting human rights.

According to Zhorin, there was no reaction from international organizations to the past atrocities of the Russian Federation and the criminals did not bear any responsibility. After that, the Russians openly and fearlessly announce the next crimes in the form of so-called "tribunals".

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Ukraine Now news: war, Russia
The so-called "tribunal" over the Azov Regiment people is a test for the international community Recently, Russian terrorists announced a pseudo-trial of Ukrainian prisoners of war in #Mariupol. Footage of cages built allegedly for a public process appeared…
👉Ukraine calls on the entire civilised world not to allow the announced executioner's trial in #Mariupol of Ukrainian defenders and protectors - Security and Defence Forces statement

What else the statement said:

👉The operation to rescue 2,500 defenders of Mariupol was the only option available to save their lives.

👉The severely wounded were the first to be rescued during the exchange in June: 144 people, of whom 95 were Mariupol defenders, have already been returned.

👉All state institutions are working to bring back Mariupol Heroes and all captive Ukrainians of the enemy.

👉The Russian Federation does not adhere to commitments, neglects agreements, does not recognise international norms and rules of warfare. The issue of prisoner exchange is complex and sensitive.

"We demand to immediately send representatives of the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross to the places where Ukrainian prisoners of war are held, first of all Olenivka," the statement reads.

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"Olenivka is a new Auschwitz": an rally-performance was held in Brovary in support of the defenders of #Azovstal

The rally was organized by relatives and friends of the defenders of #Mariupol . With this action, they want to attract the attention of international organizations in order to gain access to prisoners of war. Particularly the Red Cross.

Journalist Ukraine Now also attended the event. In the middle of the park, the scenery of the Olenivja pre-trial detention center was built to show the conditions in which our military is being kept. It is worth noting that during the performance, people could not hold back their tears. Also, photographs of the defenders of Mariupol were hung around.

Mothers, wives and sisters of fighters are waiting for their relatives at home.

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"Pax russica" as it is

The first video shows a rocket that hit the asphalt in Nykolaiv.

On the second - the station, or rather what is left of it in #Mariupol.

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Novorossiyskaya street (New Russian street in teanslation) in #Mariupol

After the Russian Federation came here, the name of the street fully reflects reality.

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Media is too big
Evening address of Volodymyr #Zelensky:

Currently, there are enough reports in the mass media that #Mariupol is preparing the scenery for an absolutely disgusting and absurd trial of Ukrainian defenders - our soldiers who are captives of the invaders.

No matter what the invaders think, no matter what they plan, the reaction of our state will be absolutely clear. If this despicable court takes place, if our people are brought into these settings in violation of all agreements and international rules... This will be the line beyond which any negotiations are impossible. Russia will cut itself off from the negotiations. There will be no more conversations. Our state has said everything.

Ukraine will not tolerate mockery of people about whom only one thing can be said: they are heroes of their Motherland and they defended the freedom of their people from invaders.

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Negotiations are out of the question in case of illegal trial of #Mariupol defenders, - Zelensky

“These are understandable human conditions. If our prisoners are treated exactly as you said, then this is not about "red lines". What kind of negotiations, what to talk about? This is the point. I have nothing to add,” #Zelensky said.

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Save the heroes of Azovstal — This is how the new football season started in Ukraine

Shakhtar Akhmetov posted a banner in the stands in support of the defenders of Azovstal.

The first blow in the match between Shakhtar Donetsk and Metalist Kharkiv was delivered by military Yaroslav Golik, who was injured while defending #Mariupol and Ukraine at #Azovstal.

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Collaborators in Mariupol threaten with deprivation of parental rights if the child is not sent to full-time education in an occupation school

Such messages were sent to parents in school chats. This testifies to the resistance of #Mariupol families who do not want to send their children to schools, where they will be taught to hate Ukraine, the Ukrainian language, force them to glorify the occupiers and love the “Russian world,” the Mariupol City Council reports.

Therefore, the occupiers resort to intimidation. First, they threaten to send warnings, then a fine of 40 thousand rubles, and then they will be deprived of parental rights.

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Temporarily displaced Ukrainians, including Kherson and #Mariupol residents, symbolically united the left and right banks of the Dnipro with the help of the Ukrainian flag 430 meters long

Our journalist in Kyiv rode under the flag to convey its scale. It took about 1.5 km of fabric to sew. It was sewn by the workers of the Opera House. This action was supposed to take place on Flag Day, but due to security requirements, it was postponed.

The action symbolizes the unity of the Ukrainian people in the struggle for the independence of Ukraine. The organizers told us that they now want to sew a flag for the Antonovsky Bridge, but for this it is necessary to find another 2.5 km of fabric.

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Ukraine Now news: war, Russia
Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmitry Lubinets appealed to the UN because of the demonstration by Russia of the remains of the Ukrainian military

“The demonstration of the “remains” of the dead defenders of #Mariupol became the reason for the “stand-up on a military theme”. The only purpose of such actions of Russia is another infliction of pain on the relatives of the dead and missing.

Respect for the dead is not just humanism and concern for the loved ones of the dead. These are international standards, the implementation of which guarantees that the dead will not add to the list of missing people,” Lubinets said.

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Invaders in Mariupol do not plan to restore damaged houses and periodically shoot each other from machine guns

The shooting in the 17th and 23rd microdistricts is reported by the city council of #Mariupol with reference to local residents.

And the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko, spoke about the meeting of the leaders of the occupying municipal services with the residents of the city. It became clear that houses with damage would not be repaired, just as they did not plan to solve the problem with garbage on the street.

But, under the guise of reconstruction, they hide the traces of the murder of civilians in the Drama Theater.

In the Mariupol port, no work is being carried out on it, since the occupiers could not launch it at full capacity.

❗️According to Andryushchenko, a new instruction came from the Kremlin - to reach the border of the Donetsk region before September 15, so preparations for the "referendum" began again.

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A real hunger riot has begun in occupied Mariupol, - adviser to the Mayor of #Mariupol Petr Andryushchenko

Andryushchenko cites the lack of humanitarian aid from the invaders as the main reason.

The only way to get food for the people who remained in Mariupol is the help from the Red Cross. However, due to the large number of people, the Red Cross canceled the aid.

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